3-My! My! What sharp teeth you have!

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3rd person pov:
Russia and America decided to let you stay at Germany's house. It's 2:00am and you couldn't sleep. You decided to get up from the guest room and go to Germany's bedroom. You saw him working again. He had bags under his eyes. Y/n approached him and said "You need to go to sleep." "I know but let me finish these" Germany responded. "But I can't sleep." Y/n said while yawning and rubbing her eye. He sighed. "Fine, let's sleep." You both went to his bed. You went to sleep ahead. Germany just laid down with you. (No bad intentions)

You woke up. While going down the stairs you said "Good mor-" You saw a man with a cross on his face. He looked scary. So you just went to the kitchen quietly. "Ah! Guten Morgen!" (Good morning) Germany greeted you. "Morning! What's for breakfast?" You asked. "We have fried sausages! We should call dad here!" "Dad! Breakfast is ready!" The man with a cross appeared. Your eyes widened. "Um... Y/n this is...my dad, Third Reich..." Germany said nervously, while Third waved. "Who is this little pumpkin? Is she your daughter? I've always wanted grandkids!" Third said happily.

"Was!? Papa, nein! (What!? Dad, no!) Russia and America found her in the woods. They let her stay here while Rus and Ame are gone." Germany explained. Your eyes widened when Germany said that Russia and America were gone. "Are they dead?" You said with tears in your eyes. "No,no,no! They just went to talk about this." You wiped your tears away. "Oh..." After breakfast

You were watching some cartoons on the T.V., when out of nowhere Reich asked you "Are you bored? Wanna go to the park?" Your eyes sparkled. "Of course!" You went to the park and played in the playground. You saw a carnival and said "I wanna go there!" while pointing at it. After playing carnival games and eating lots of corn dogs and cotton candy. You saw the Roller Coaster. You asked him. "Can we try the roller coaster?" Reich looked at it with his hand on top of his eyes. "Eh, why not." He said smiling. You two fell in line. It was your turn. The cashier? looked at you and said "Sorry kid. You're too short." "Aww c'mon." You said pouting with your arms crossed. "All that waiting for nothing." Reich said disappointedly.

"Let's go bake pie?" Reich said trying to cheer you up. "Maybe some apple pie will cheer me up." You answered. "Let's call Germany if he has all the ingredients." Reich said. You hated waiting, but something caught your eye.

You saw an ice cream truck. You went towards it. "What do you want, kiddo?" The man asked. He looked suspicious to you. Reich's call was done by this point. Now where is Y/n? He thought to himself. He found the ice cream seller trying to snatch you.

He ran as fast as he could to get you. He carried you, glared at the snatcher and said "Verdammt, Pädophiler." (Fuck off, pedophile) Then you two walked away. "Y/n don't do that. You almost gave me a heart attack." He said. "But I wanted ice cream." You said doing your cute pout.

"Aww, you're just too cute!" Reich said while pinching your cheek. "Stop that! That hurts!" You said removing his hand away from your cheek. "Let's go get apples?" He said smiling. "Off to get the apples!" You said pointing to the supermarket.

Time skip

"We're home!" You said cheerfully. "You two had fun?" Germany asked. "Hell yes! We did!" Reich responded tiredly while lifting the bag of apples. Reich looked down at you. "Let's make the apple pie?" You smiled and nodded.

You mostly kept eating the ingredients while Reich did most of the work.

Time skip

The pie was done cooling down. Reich asked you a question. "Do you wanna play Little Red Riding Hood?" "Fine, but when the game is over let's eat. Okay?" "Okay. I'll be the sick grandma and you'll be the Little Red Riding Hood."

"But where's my hood?" You asked scratching your head. "Go look in Germany's closet." He suggested. "Isn't snooping bad?" "Ask permission from him." You did what was told. Germany asked. "Why do you need that for?" "We're playing Little Red Riding Hood." "In that case let me be the narrator." He said pulling out his phone

"Germany wants to play too!" You said skipping down the stairs holding Germany's hand. Reich is already in his nightgown. "Let's begin!"

(Idk if this is how the story goes)

"There once was a little girl visiting her grandma. But the big bad wolf ate her granny and disguised as her. Little Red was approaching the cottage." You skipped inside the house and said "Granny! I have a surprise for you!" You said holding the basket tightly.

"Come here, child. Reich commanded. "What a deep voice you have!" Y/n said in amazement. "The better to greet you with!" He said. "What big eyes you have." Y/n said in the same tone. "The better to see you with!" "What big hands you have!" "The better to hug you with." Reich grinned. And lastly "My! My! What sharp teeth you have." The better to eat you with!

And so Reich tackled Y/n to the couch and tickled you. You were laughing. Germany was giggling, recording you both. "Please stop." You said in between your laughs. Reich stopped. You sat back up and said "Let's go eat some pie!" You three had an amazing dinner.

Meanwhile at Russia and America's house.

"Hey babe, check this out" America said pointing to his phone. Russia came over. "Let's watch it?" "Of course!"

A few minutes later

"That was so cute!" America said squealing. Russia just smiled and muttered "Может быть, он уже не плохой" (Maybe he isn't bad anymore)

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