First Impressions

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All rights of original characters and plot belong to the creators at DreamWorks

Miracle's POV
I want to scream or run or I don't know attack our blonde tour guide. Anything to break up the tension in the air. We've only been walking for like 5 minutes but it feels like hours. I know it's partly my fault but I'm not good with people so I'm definitely not going to be the one to say something first but gods one of you need to start interacting somehow I honestly don't care how even if the blonde just turns around and starts attacking us. I tried to distract myself with the scenery but it's mostly just torn down or burned houses and shops which is just depressing. Heather must sense my uneasiness because she decided to speak up.
"Sooo Astrid right?" Heather said trying to make small talk thank the Gods.
"That's right" our super friendly tour guide answered while turning her head slightly to look back at us quickly before looking ahead again still walking.
"Is there like an Inn we could rent a room from for a night or two around here or something?" Heather asked fairly awkwardly.
I hope she's just asking to break the silence or something because I have no intention of leaving Nightmist alone at night. I know she won't really be alone with Windshear with her but still we've sleep close together almost if not every night since we meet years ago. So Heather can stay in the village if she wants but I'm going to find Nightmist right before dark and look for a good camping spot.
"No we've never really been a hot tourist destination anyone who has ever stayed desides our main trader were mostly lost travelers or relatives of someone in the village and even then they usually only stayed a couple of hours at the most. I would suggest asking around the village to see if someone had a spare room they'd be willing to rent but I doubt you'll find anyone. No offense let's just most aren't good with new people" the blonde said as we walked up to the doors of a large building, well large compared to the others in this place.
"Here we go. This is the Great Hall I know you don't plan on staying long which is probably for the best but if you need anything this would be the best place to go for help or answers to any of your questions" she continues to say as we enter the building.
"Hey Astrid what are you doing back here so soon you just left not too long ago" another blonde girl said as she and two blonde guys came up to us.
I'm assuming they're all around the same age making them the same age as Hiccup. I wonder if they know him in the past. One of the guys was a pretty big and tall guy if it wasn't for the fact he's carrying a couple of books I'd think he was just some kind of meat head. The other smaller guy is either the unknown girl's twin or some kind of close relative. I don't like this too many people.
"And who are these lovely ladies behind you. Care to introduce us" the smaller guy asks
"Down Tuffnut they're just a couple of travelers here to stretch their legs for a day or so.....or at least that's what this one, claiming to be named Heather, says" our tour guide says pointing her thumb towards Heather
"Haven't heard a word from the other one yet. Miracle was it? " she continues turning to face me along with the others waiting for my answer.
Like I'm going to waste my breath on people I have no intention of knowing. In fact as fair as I'm concerned their names are Tour Guide, Girl Twin, Boy Twin, and Books real names aren't important. So, I just give a nod and narrow my eyes at them daring them to ask me another question. Tour Guide didn't seem to like that but before she says anything Heather starts talking.
"So you've all meet my lovely friend Miracle here and as you heard from Astrid earlier I'm Heather what are you're names again?" she said going to shake they're hands.
"Well I'm Ruffnut, this ugly mess of a man child is my twin brother Tuffnut. And the big guy is Fishlegs. " the girl twin answers.
So far I can see why my brother and mom left.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2021 ⏰

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