So This Is Berk? Part 2

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All rights of original characters and plot belong to the creators at DreamWorks

Miracle's POV
"So are they nosey people or something because it's like the whole village walked over here as soon as they could spot our boat. Or am I just not used to this because you know I usually sneak in through the forest when I visit a village" I ask Heather as we secure the boat to the dock.
"They must not get a lot of visitors. The village does look a bit small and I think burnt is the only other word I can use to describe it" Heather says while taking a look at the village. I have to say I agree with her it doesn't look like much and the people seem a bit gloomy just like the weather. Why in the world is it this cold still? I would hate to be here during the winter.
"Welcome to Berk! My name is Gobber blacksmith to this fine village and this is our Chief the great Stoick the Vast!" said a large man who seemed to be missing a hand and foot as he walked towards us next to the man he identified as Stoick the Vast. Wow I'm not exactly sure what I was expecting him to look like but I definitely didn't think he'd be well this. Hiccup and I definitely took after mom in the body type department but I do have his hair.
"Thank you for that lively introduction Gobber" Stoick said with a small sigh. He seems tired and a little worn down or maybe he's just a lot older than mom I think I remember Star saying that it's pretty common for older men to marry younger women.
"Just trying to be friendly Stoick not everyday we get visitors" replied the blacksmith. Hiccup doesn't talk about his life here very much but Knight did get him drunk enough once that we got a little something from him. One of the things he talked about was he did never fit in on Berk but the best thing about living here was he got to work for the village blacksmith. It was the start of this favorite hobby. Not only that but he was able to find a little peace in his own room in the back of the shop where he was able to forget the outside world and just be himself. He also mentioned the blacksmith was a bit more accepting of all his hiccupness than the others.
"Thank you for the kind welcome we were just passing through and happened to spot your village thought it might be nice to stretch our legs for a day or two the sea can be quite tiring. My name is Heather and this here is my friend Miracle" Heather spoke up bringing me back to reality. I could see him eyeing us up and down trying to figure out if we can be trusted or not. I could also see most of the people turn to leave guess we weren't interesting enough to take up any more of their time. Whether he believed us or not he just nodded his head and spoke
"Well we don't have much to offer but feel free to stay a while. Although I must warn that dragons could attack at anytime so be on alert" he then turns to the blonde girl behind him.
"This is Astrid one of our best young warriors and now a tour guide for you two if you'd like" she steps forward toward us. She looks around our age and you could definitely tell she is a warrior from the way she stands to the alertness in her eyes as if waiting for a battle to break out at any minute. This most be his subtle way of keeping an eye on us for a bit. Guess he doesn't trust us man. Not that we came to start trouble but we're not exactly being honest.
"Oh well I don't thin-"
"Please I insist let me show you two around and get you a meal on me" the blonde interrupted Heather she must not trust us very well either.
"Well ok lead the way I guess right Miracle " Heather turns to me and I look towards her giving a nod as my answer. I don't really like speaking around other people I don't know.
"Great follow me and if you have any questions feel free to ask" the blonde says as she turns leading us into Berk.

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