🌹🍋Jealous in a Cafe🍋🌹

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We start off strong with a jealous Bakuhoe. If I'm honest, a jealous Kirishima is just as funny, but I just came up with this idea randomly. It also somehow got angty so strap in.

The One and Only Thotski Bakuhoe POV

Me and shitty hair have been getting closer. I guess that's what you get when you've been dating for a year and a half. I guess I just really want to spend time with my boyfriend, so I made this stupid cafe date. Of course the idiot has been smiling the whole time we've been here. I'm glad he's happy. He loves this social shit. I'd rather be home, but I wouldn't tell him that.

I break out of my thoughts as Kirishima starts to talk.

"Wow Bakugo, this place is cute. How much was it?" He gave a little frown as he asked his question, which pissed me off. He shouldn't have to worry about that stuff.

"Don't worry about that, babe." I smirked. He gets slightly flustered and covers his face with his hands. He still wasn't used to my pet names yet, so I got to see his flustered face practically whenever I wanted.

I teased him a little bit, which caused him to blush even more, until the waitress arrived at our tables with menus. She smiled and introduced herself as Aiko. She scurried away as we looked at our menus.

Holy shit. I did not realize how expensive this stuff really was. It's worth it for Eijiro, but still. Not to mention Ei keeps looking over to me as if saying "This is too much," but I already picked what I wanted. I wasn't going to make Ei feel bad and leave. He might feel bad that I spent money on him, but I can get that out of his head easily. 

The red-head looked back at his menu and decided on one of the cheaper options. He didn't have to but he would just deny doing anything if I told him that.

Aiko, or whatever, came back with a smile on her face as she took our orders. I didn't like how long she looked at Eijiro, but he probably doesn't notice. I gave a few glares towards the both of them but didn't really say anything. She smiled and left with our menus in hand. If I'm honest, I'm glad she's gone. I didn't really want her sticking around my boyfriend for that long.

I glared at her as she walked away to another table. I turned my head and Ei was giving me a confused stare.

"Is something wrong Kat?"

I gave him a small smile and said, "Nothin' Babe."

He didn't look reassured, but he didn't bring it up again. We moved on to different topics. We talked about work and our friends until the food came out. I was slightly impressed by how it looked. I could do better, but it didn't look like garbage.

Ei had lost that look of nervousness which was nice. Instead, he had a growing smile on his lips. He looked so cute all happy like that. I'm glad I get to even see this idiot, much less be his boyfriend. I couldn't help but smile too. Eijiro had a habit of doing that, making everyone around him smile. It was one of the things I loved about him.

We continued eating until I excused myself to go to the bathroom. Ei had stuffed his face, so he could only nod when I stood up. I headed to the bathroom and did my business.

After I washed my hands, I headed out the door and started for the table. I stopped immediately as I watched the scene in front of me. My boyfriend, MY Eijiro,  was talking and smiling to that bratty waitress who served us. She was WAY to damn close to him, but he was just talking like the innocent little thing he is. I swear, he can never take a hint. I snapped out of my trance once I heard what anyone would be expecting. 

"Hey Kirishima, do you have a girlfriend?"

That was the LAST straw. I was not letting this bitch anywhere near my boyfriend.

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