💖chapter thirty two💖

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Lectures today were really stressful and the doctor made it clear to me that I shouldn't stress myself through out my third trimester.

I had to take two weeks off lectures from the authorities and they agreed. It was really terrifying when I was constructing the lies to them and I was so damn happy when they believed me.

I left before the day ended because I was having cramps. Mom was at work meaning am all alone with this crazy cramps. I entered the house making sure everywhere was security tight.

I walked upstairs slowly, trying not to scream. The pain was really mad. I was about to open my room door before I was attracted by a shinning stuff from the other room, kiera's room.

The door wasn't closed properly, so I walked it. Looking round, I now noticed the room was beautifully decorated, from the crib to the toy section and the entire room.

I can't believe I'm really gonna have a baby soon. I will taste the joy of motherhood even though am very young. I sighed, "I will love you with my whole life and the love in me", massaging my baby plump, forgetting the cramps I was facing.

"Oouch", I exhaled, when the pain struck again. I managed to get to my room, pulled out the drawer in search of my pain killers. I walked over to fridge and took out a bottle of water.

I arranged two pillows behind me and rested my back. I didn't know when I zoomed off.

(phone rings)

"Hello", I sighed, after finally getting hold of the crazy phone.

"Babes, why did you leave", Amber shouted through the phone.

"What? Did anything special happen, this one you're shouting?",

"No but why did you leave? You didn't even let me know and I was searching for you like a possessed person",

"Sorry honey but I was having cramps so I had to head home. It was your call that just woke me up now", I explained.

"Ooops, sorry. How's kiera doing?", she sighed, asking.

"I was the one having cramps, not kiera. You and mom are beginning to love my baby more than me",

She chuckled, "You better do fast and push out kiera for us".

"And who said I'm having a girl. I want a boy", I said, rolling my eyes like she was going to see it through the phone.

"Okay, let's make a bet. If it's a boy, I will write all your notes but if it's a girl, you will write mine", she sounded so serious.

"Why will I bet with my own baby again. Any sex God gives me is what I will accept. By the way, please get me strawberry, vanilla, chocolate and mint flavor cold stone ice cream please",

"In different cups or all in one?",

"All in one of course. Why will I ask for four cups of ice cream, when I'm not have quadruplets",  I chuckled.

"Alright, on my way", she laughed and hanged up.

I got up, had a warm bath and went downstairs with my phone wearing a white kaftan dress. Got to the kitchen, hope the fridge and brought out carrots, a small cabbage remaining from the salad mom made the other day and cucumber. I grated the carrots and cut both the cucumber and cabbage to a perfect small sizes. I put everything in a bowl. I mixed with mayonise.

I rinsed a spoon, placed it in the bowl and left for the living room. I arranged two pillows behind me and relaxed, switching on the TV. Yummy, this tasted good.        

The movie showing was really touching, but romantic as well as funny. I laughed really hard buh also cried. At the end of the movie, the lady had twins, boys for that. She wore a very gracious smile, staring at her beautiful baby boys with teary eye. I guess that's tears of joy.

There, I was sure the joy of motherhood will look really cool on me. "Hey, little pumpkin. I can't wait to push you out", I blushed, massaging my small baby plump.                
Then, I heard the gate bell ring. I stood up gently and slowly walked to the gate. "Hey, how are you doing?", she asked immediately I opened the gate.

"Sure, I'm fine now. We are good!", I smiled, opening the gate wide, giving her entrance to the building.

"I got you your ice cream ma'am and also decided pizza will be a good match", she said, placing the two cups of ice cream with the other nylon on the table. She sighed after sighting the bowl plate,"I can see you are at it again. Ms. foodie",she chuckled, assisting me to take the plate to the kitchen.

I smiled,"Hope the pizza is my favorite flavor", I said out loud hoping she heard me while opening the packs.

"Of course baby girl, I do know what you like", she winked, coming out of the kitchen.

I flipped the cup open and started using the small spoon that came along with it. "Thanks babe. I wonder what I would have done without you".

"Hmmm, let me think", she said, with her finger in her mouth pretending to be thinking. "Nothing, I guess", she added, and we both laughed.

She changed the channel to studio universal HD. She so much love America movies and she can kill just to watch any. We watched while helping ourselves with the ice cream and pizza. "I really wish you also got popcorn", I sighed, feeling tired from eating the pizza.

"Girl, you better push out kiera and stop stressing me. I can't just wait for you to be normal again. This your eating habit is becoming unbearable",

"Now, you are complaining", I pouted my lower lip.

"No baby girl. It just that, you may one day decide to eat the whole house", she teased.

"Ikr. I can't wait too myself", I said, making her laugh. "Silly you", she hit me on my thigh. 

She excused herself and came back five minutes later with two nylons of popcorn. "Here you go", she smiled handing a cone of popcorn. "Awwwwn, thanks sugar. I wonder why you didn't come out as a boy", I teased, collecting it from her.

"You wish", she sighed, giggling.


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