Dance of The Dead

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Grojband has booked another gig. This time it's at their school, Elementary High.  Currently the twins are in the gym. 

Kin and Kon shrink away of a large shadow leering nearer to the both of them, squeezing each other furiously. 


(Y/N) starts laughing furiously then they start to hack, and cough falling face first. The dark shadow is revealed to be Laney once she's closer to the screen.

"Stay down," Laney rolls her eyes away from (Y/N). 

The two screech again, "AHHHHH!"

Laney groans, silencing the twins, "Stop doing that." 

"Then stop wearing such scary costumes!" Kon retaliates with his tongue hanging out. 

(Y/N) coughs out the rest of their laughter as they grapple their hand on Kon's shoulder, breathing heavily. They clear their throat, "How are you scared of Laney, but not of my fangs I spent three months on?" 

(Y/N) frowns and stretches out more of their mouth to reveal their staggeringly realistic fangs, akin to a cats, bats, and...bats. 

Kin tuts and pokes (Y/N)'s chest, "Have you seen Laney, (Y/N)? I mean..." (Y/N) takes a glance at Laney scowling at the three of them, "C'mon!" 

"Kin, I am not obligated to comment on a woman's appearance," (Y/N) frowns while flicking Kin's forehead back. 

Laney down looks at her outfit again, nothing different mind you, "Grrr !" Steam rises up from her head until Corey busts through the door with a special surprise. 

"Fellow Grojbandians, what's the one thing that would make tonight's Halloween gig the awesomest of all Halloween gigs!?" Corey smirks, holding the other door closed. 

The redhead tries a guess, "A killer new tune complete with lyrics?"

"Exorcism," (Y/N) raises a finger. 

Two wrong buzzer go off to the Laney and (Y/N)'s disappointment. Kin and Kon slam down game tables, quickly invested in the game more so than the question. 

Kin bangs his hands on the table, "Ooh! A killer new amp with a freaky skull on it?!" 

"So close!" Corey grins and opens the other door to reveal a magic amp with a skull on it. 

Corey smiles, "A killer new amp with a freaky skull on it that glows in the dark! "




"If it were dark, that skull would so be glowing."

"It's cool, Core, but-" Laney gets shushed by Corey with his pointer finger to her lips. 

"Shhhh, I know, Laney, and I'm sorry I've neglected you all this time." 

Laney's heart starts to pump violently. She could hear a personified heart repeating, "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh-" 

Corey stares down at Laney, "Should have said that I dig your costume. My bad, man. it's sick," Just like that Laney's heart comes out of Laney's mouth on her tongue. 

"That's it, I'm out of here." It jumps right on the ground walking off.


Trina and Mina tread inside the gymnasium with intent. Trina sighs as she grimaces at all of the decorations for the school dance, "Okay the real people have arrived so all lame-o boy bands must vacate immediately. I'm gonna ween the hallo out of this place." 

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