Monster of Rock

597 14 18

TW: Beastiality joke


Corey slams on his guitar, a loud riff emitting.

"Thank you, Peaceville!"




"Meh. Pretty standard," Kin shrugs and leans his back on the couch.

(Y/N) crosses their legs and careens forward, "It's not phenomenal, man."

"Uh but it's polite," Laney softens the blow, "It's nice to thank people."

Kon grips his chip bag again, "I'd thank anyone who could open this impossible hard to open snack food packaging-" Kon seethes and tries to rip apart the bag of air again.

"He should really stop looking at," His brother mumbles as (Y/N) makes a noise of agreement.

"How 'bout," Corey strikes a pose and raises his guitar pick in the air, "Thank you, Peaceville!"

Corey flicks his guitar pick and it bounces around the entire room with the band's eyes following each blow. It eventually comes toward the three of them and they flip off the couch. The bag was officially sliced in half.

"Now THAT was amazing!" Laney stares in awe and (Y/N) whistles.

Kon stands, one part of the bag in hand, "Mm, Thank you, Corey!"

"If you really be original," Kin punches his hand through the couch cushions, "Why don't you rip off The Typicals?" Kin holds up a somehow shiny record from that dirty couch.

"No one was more original than them!"

(Y/N) snaps their fingers, "Those guys were really underground. They did the opposite of what was popular, and that's what made them popular."

Kin gives them a confused glance.

"I can hear your rants when Kon and I play TF2."

"Hm..." Corey hums, a finger tapping his chin, "Underground bands eh?"

"That's it!✨" He hoists a genius struck finger, "We'll be the most underground band EVER by playing," Corey points down at a manhole in his garage.


"The sewers?" Trina marches into her house with Mina right behind her, "Perfect for Sewage-band."

"Cause. You. Stink," She pokes Corey every time she pauses, "BAM."

"Bam indeed."

"Oh, yeah? Well, it's gonna be the gig of the century."

"Agh, you couldn't make happen the gig of the century if you had like fifty years of centuries."

"But I can ruin that gig in one afternoon."

Trina mutters to Mina and manically combusts laughing.

"Should I giggle too?"

"How can you giggle if you don't even know what my plan is?" She pushes Mina out of the garage with herself.

"Okay, guys," Corey turns to his band, "This is gonna be awesome. No band has ever played in the sewers." 

"That's because of El Chewpoocaca."

"What's El Chewpoocaca?"


Kin runs to turn off the lights as (Y/N) deeply sighs and holds one hand over the other.

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