A Knight to Remember

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(A/N)Heads up, I am going to officially move Ahead of Your Own Tone to the second-to-last episode of the first season. I just wanted to establish this in case anyone asked. 

Reason? We are getting character development and I wanted the frenemies relationship to be more half-and-half throughout Grojband as an entirety. They gotta hate each other longer or I'm gonna hate myself longer. 


"It's Sunderday, Julaugust eleventeenth," Chance Happening flips through her script, her coworker Buzz Newsworthy right beside her, "I'm Chance Happening."

A few of Grojband's members lean closer to the band leader's computer.

Buzz slips on a football helmet, "I'm Buzz Newsworthy. This is the extra day added to the calendar every four years when the Bonkerton Comet appears in our sky."

"Discovered by a professor, Cornward Bonkerton, the comet brings with it a city-wide sate of wackiness where anything can happen," Chance gives out the exposition for this episode.

The news station cuts to an interview with the mayor, his face in a grimace, "You order a sandwich with no pickles-BAM, maybe the sandwich shows up with pickles in it!" Mayor Mellow's eyes shift uncomfortably, "Maybe you walk into a closet and BAM tigers! Worse, they're pickles."A̶n̶x̶i̶e̶t̶y̶ ̶P̶r̶i̶m̶e̶ ̶I̶R̶L̶

They cut back to the station, "So try to remain indoors-" A glaring hot pink gleam flashes over them, "Ssss...Buzz is wearing a baby's bonnet!" Chance smirks with her coworker at the silly thing on Buzz's head.

Buzz glances back at the camera, "It was a helmet when I put it on."

Chance Happening and Buzz Newsworthy bust out into laughter. They both sigh, staring at the other, and Buzz grins at the camera once more, "Good luck, everyone."


Laney shuts off the computer, "Ugh," She rolls her eyes, "The Bonkerton Comet, just because crazy stuff usually happens doesn't mean it will this time."

"Guys, how's this for crazy?!" Kin abruptly yells, his arm raised. Everyone in the room stays silent until Kin pulls out the script for this day's episode, "Hm?-sorry. That was Corey's line." 

The four band members turn to the garage door being open, "Guys, how's this for crazy?!" Corey bursts into the room, holding something behind his back, "I got us a gig to play for a princess!"

"Princess?" Kon rushes over, side-eying Laney, "I call comet on that!"

"Good call, Kon," Corey starts off, looking outside the garage, "But the first comet flash hasn't happened yet."

The five preteens all stare up at the sky, the comet still high in the sky, "Who knows what it'll do."


Trina clicks on her laser pointer to a framed picture of Nick Mallory, "Today, we giddily discuss Nick Mallory's hair and jacket, then we shop for purses!" She pulls out a tiny purse from her pocket, "I will buy a new one, you will buy my old one secondhand." 

The string of a handle snaps.

Mina frowns, currently sitting and holding a lilac cone hat, "But it's comet day, and we always do what I want on comet say," She gestures her hat.

Trina snarls at the meek lackey, "PROVE IT!"



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