Queen Bee

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(A/N)Okay, okay, okay. I know this episode doesn't come until a lot later, but I made this a few months ago because I had so many ideas for it. So, I thought, 'What the heck?' and published these. 

The boy/girl version is better. Not gonna lie


Kon hums and swings his legs. Kin sticks his tongue out and rummages his hand under the couch while (Y/N)'s chest rises and lowers as they nap on the table.


"Notes of sour cream."

Kon opened his mouth and Kin presses the chip on his tongue.

"Onion...lint...four Saturdays ago. An excellent week for potato chips."

Laney frowns, "I really wanna be disgusted by this, but  it's kind of fascinating!"

"Guys! Look what I found!"

Corey ran into the garage, a flyer in hand.

"You found more chips!?"

"No. Better!"

"It's a poster for the Peaceville Annual Pollination Nation Pageant! It's this weekend and Grojband is gonna rock the coronation off the new queen bee!"

Kin grit his teeth, "Core, a gig's a gig, but a pageant is..."

"Poofy! Dainty! Frilly! Fancy-pantsy! Clicky-shoesy! Creepy-smiley! RIDICULOUS!"

"In short I think they're strange."

"Ugh, who's slandering something? I wanna join," (Y/N) rolls their wrists.

Corey sighs and snakes his arms through (Y/N) and Laney's shoulders, "Guys, this town has like fifty pageants and junk a year!"

"If we nail this crowning achievement, we'll be ✨the go-to pageant band✨ with a gig every week! And it all starts with our first ever coronation song!"

Laney glares, "Do you have lyrics for that first ever coronation song?"

"Not yet! All we have to do is make Trina happy with some girl junk! She writes something sweet and sappy in her diary, and we're honey golden!"

"Trina, happy?" (Y/N) rolls their eyes, "When? I want pictures."

Corey just folds the poster into a paper airplane. He then retracts his arm and flies the plane to Trina's room.


"Problem solved."


Trina twitches her eye after Mina was grasping her ankles.

"The Queen Bee..."

"GASP! I'm totally that already! Now I can have a real crown to prove it!~"

She turns the flyer around to face. Mina squints to read the tiny text.

She glances behind her, "But it says the Queen Bee is the sweetest honey drop in Peaceville. That doesn't sound like-"


Mina shrivels into a ball, cowering below Trina.

"You're right," What, "I better not lose that pageant or I'll be wickedly unhappy for the rest of like ever!"


Corey sticks his head through the gap of Trina's door.

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