On The Air and Out To Sea

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(A/N)Hot take: Grojband is just PG Your Favorite Martian.


Kin taps his fingers on his lap, "6,000 Songs a Summer is set to download and will be done in..." He glances at Corey's home computer again, "Eleven minutes."

"Eleven minutes?!" Kon parrots, scoffing, "What are we, cavemen?"

Kin looks back at his brother, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose with his index finger, "Our primitive ancestors would've experienced even longer download times."

"In the future, music will float through the air!" Kon spins his chair in circles, waving his arms around, "And you'll be able to catch it in a magic box!"

Kin nods his head, intrigued, "Would you say...it'll look like this?!" He flips up a cardboard box to reveal his latest invention.

Kon is left agape, gasping as he scoots his chair near his twin brother, "WOW!!"

It was a circuit box with a microphone speaker wired on the top, "I call it 'A Magic Air Music Wave Decoder™!'" Kon could practically see the contraption sparkle.

Laney strolls to the twins, taking the box from Kin, "Isn't that how a radio works?" She gestures to the radio on the top shelf that's collecting cobwebs.

"Haha!" (Y/N) snaps their head up from their nap on the couch, pointing at the ravenette mockingly, "And you say that I'm uncultured one!" They knock back out, the orthostatic hypotension and all that happening.

Corey places himself on the walls of the stairs, "The problem with radio is that you have to listen to whatever they put into the sky," He explains to Laney as he slides down to his band, "You don't even have any control over the radio!"

"Not so," Kin and Kon both 🤟, "Let's EDUCATE!"


"Behold, Frequenceus, master of the ether!" Kin and Kon's lore starts with a muscle-bound blond dude with a trident and headphones.

"Frequenceus had totally grown tired with the Rocklypus radio station and their super lame music!" The man jumps onto the satellite tower, piercing his weapon into the top.

"He swiped the antenna off of the top of Mountlypus and beamed his own music into the heavens," He then proceeded to howl into the distance like he was Elsa or something, "It was called a pirate radio station because he hijacked the radio waves from the gods!"

A dark cloud roams over Frequenceus, "Until the gods found out, and casted a wicked bolts of lightning down upon!"

Guy got electrocuted to death, end of story.

"That's it!" Corey exults, waving his entire body around, "We're gonna hijack the air waves and fill the sky with our music!"

He lays his narrowed eyes on his bandmates, "Gang, Grojband's starting our very own pirate radio station."


Yo-ho-ho Transition

Why not have a few fun games between scenes? (Note: I encourage your reasoning why)

Kiss, Marry, Kill? Choices: Corey, Kin, Laney





Kin bites his lip as he twists the screw driver one last time, squinting at the box rubber-banded to the Riffin's satellite dish, "Almost done-don't let go!"

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