Back straight, be disinterested, look at their foreheads - not into their eyes. Smile, but only a little, not too wide, don't smile too wide or you'll cry. Don't cry or they'll die. They'll die and it will be your fault. Jungkook, Taehyung - they'll die, they'll d-

Sven pushed the door open as Jimin exhaled a shuddering breath and prepared for the most important stage of his life.

Jimin gasped at the chill and the sight of his family piled in the middle of the room, pulling his coat around him tighter and curling in to Sven's side in show.

"It's so cold in here, jagiya," Jimin whispered as he tugged gently on Sven's arm. "Can you do something?"

Sven smirked at how well Jimin was doing, quickly ordering his guard to bring heaters and summon Dorian. He then tipped his private dancer's face to his and lightly kissed his lips, further pleased when Jimin acquiesced.

The boys watched in shock at the exchange, Jungkook frozen by what he was seeing as he tried - and slowly failed - to remain strong.

Yoongi stood from where he was to walk over to where his brother stood.

"Jagiya?" he asked, his voice low...dangerous. "Jagiya?"

Yoongi looked at the Russian man in contempt.

"What have you done to him?" he practically spat as he looked Jimin up and down, almost disgusted by what he saw. Jimin looked like a doll - like something out of Dracula - a piece of art hung on a wall for all to admire but none to touch. "Look how pretty he is. That's our little Jiminie, isn't it? The real Jimin come to show his face, all dressed up and kept, just like the pampered pet he is."

Within the fog of his mind, Jimin felt Yoongi's contempt like a blow to his body, but he had a part to play, and play it he would, even as a piece of his soul died.

"Min Yoongi!" Jimin scolded, purposely dropping the honorifics and terms of endearment in the hopes that his brother would truly hear. "This is our angel. He is going to take us out of here and take care of us," he said, wrapping both of his fur covered arms around Sven's arm, laying his head against the man as he followed the script he had been given. Giving Yoongi a cold look, Jimin forced himself to strike a blow which he knew would save their lives while destroying everything he ever had with these six men. "I am with someone who will give me anything I want, so I don't end up a fuck toy for a couple of lowly guards."

The others fully expected Yoongi to hit Jimin, braced for it knowing they would be unable to stop him. What they did not expect was for Yoongi to stand stock still as he did, no life to his voice when he spoke.

"Is that really all I am to you?" he asked, not even enough emotion left to sound broken. "Just...just a toy?"

Jimin wanted to scream and his body began to tremble. The monster must have sensed something because he stepped in front of Jimin putting himself in Yoongi's field of vision.

"I would suggest you keep a polite tone when speaking to my jewel. Perhaps you would like to watch those men pay a visit to Taehyung-ssi or Seokjin-ssi or even Jungkook-ssi?"

Yoongi hung his head as he deflated.

"Sorry Jimin-ah," he said softly. "I shouldn't speak. It's..."

Taehyung stood at that and walked to stand before Jimin, who looked so different, so cold. Taehyung stared, not caring what anyone thought in that moment, needing to see his Jimin - the man who had been his lover once, would be his best friend always - needing to know for sure.

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