The new boy.

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I walked through the halls of school just like any other morning.
I was 15, still fairly young, still incredibly innocent.

I tried to stay positive and smiling through school, even though I didn't like it very much.
It wasn't that I didn't like learning.
I had actually been homeschooled for most of my life, and I had really liked it. But now, I found all of this boring.
I walked over to my locker and started to reorganize it, something I did when I was bored.

Suddenly I heard a loud noise that caused me to jump, I looked behind me to see a boy had dropped his books everywhere, paper flying out of the notebooks, he looked incredibly embarrassed as he bent down to pick them up.

I walked over to him and bent down to help.
He looked up at me and smiled a little, he looked about my age, maybe a little bit older.
"Hi." I said.
"Thanks for helping." He said shyly.
I nodded. "No problem."
He was wearing jeans and a long sleeve shirt with a beanie.
He put the books back in his bag.
"I'm Matt." He said with a smile.
"I'm Julie." I said smiling back.
He hesitantly shook my hand.
"See you around Matt." I said as the bell rang.
"See you Julie."
I walked to class and sat down. Still bored. I fiddled with my eraser and zoned out.
"Today we have a new student." The teacher said. "Can he please come up here?"
I heard a desk move quite a bit and then someone walked to the front.
It was the same boy I had just helped in the halls.
"Hi." He said.
Class stayed silent, I knew how awkward it was to have a completely blank faced, unfriendly looking class when you were new... It happened to me.
I waved and smiled a little.
He looked over and smiled waving back.
"And what's your name?" The teacher asked.
"Matt Jones." He said.
"And where are you from mr. Jones?"
He scratched the back of his neck.
"Pennsylvania." He said softly.
We were in Florida, that was a long way.
"Welcome to our classroom. You may return to your seat now." The teacher said.
He started to walk back to his seat and looked over at me before sitting down in the back of the class.
The class edged on slowly, I was a pretty smart girl, this was all like blabbering to me, I found myself watching the clock tick. Tick, tick, tick.
Finally the bell rang, signaling lunch.
I sighed as I stood up.
I walked slowly to the cafeteria, then got in line.
Luckily one option for the food was pizza. Which was the one thing here that tasted good.
I went to look for a seat.
Almost every seat was full, with yelling, crazy, kids.
I finally found a table alone and sat down, a minute later Matt walked up to the table.
"Do you mind if I sit here?" He asked nicely.
I shook my head.
He smiled and sat down across from me.
We both sat quietly for a minute eating our pizza.
"So, Pennsylvania?" I asked
He nodded.
"Did you like it there?"
"I like here better, it's sunnier." He said.
I nodded.
"Thanks again for helping me out earlier."
"You're welcome." I said.
He stayed silent for a minute.
"You wanna be friends?" He asked shyly.
I smiled.
"Sure." I said happily.
He smiled, his face lighting up.
"Really?" He said.
I laughed.
"Yeah, you seem like a cool dude."
He laughed.
"And you seem like a cool, dudette?" He said.
We both burst out laughing.
Sadly, we were both done with our pizza. And the bell rang. Telling us to stop laughing like idiots, and get back to class.

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