Chapter 12

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Matt looked at me and smiled before hugging me.
"I'm so happy." He said.
I smiled.
"Me too."
He pulled away.
"What do we do now?" He asked,
I shrugged.
"We could swim." I said.
He looked at the lake behind us.
"Yeah, sounds fun."
We both stood there awkwardly for a minute before running and jumping in.
Matt started laughing before pulling his glasses off.
"I can't see." He said wiping them off and sitting them on the ground by the lake.
"And now I still can't see." He said with a laugh.
I sighed.
"If I keep skipping school I won't get into college." I said.
He laughed.
"I guess we need to stop skipping school."
I nodded.
"Yeah... But I'll do it if you need to."
He smiled.
"Thanks." He said, splashing me.
"That the best you've got?" I asked.
I jumped forward and dunked him.
"Oh yeah?" He said when he came back up.
He swam back over to me.
He picked me like a baby.
"No, what are you doing?" I said laughing.
He carried me out as deep as he possibly could.
"Hope there's no fish in here..." He said laughing.
My eyes widened.
"What are you doing?"
He lifted me up into the air and next thing I knew I was being thrown into the water.
I went under for a second before swimming back over to him.
"Not cool dude!" I said laughing.
He was laughing too.
"I'm like half blind and I could see how funny your face was."
I faked a mad face but he just kept laughing.
I laughed too.
We were there for a few hours before we finally got out, our clothes were soaking wet.
And a lot of school was out now so we just walked through the park, soaking wet with people staring at us.
A few people were smiling at us.
After a few hours of talking, walking, and racing, it was around 6 o'clock.
"I'm starving." I said.
Matt nodded.
"Me too... We could go get dinner somewhere if you want. Somewhere cheap though because I've only got like, 15 dollars." He said with a small laugh.
I nodded.
"Sounds great. If we walk we can get to a McDonald's in like 15 minutes."
He nodded.
"Perfect. Lead the way."
I grabbed his hand and took of running in the direction of McDonald's.
After around 15 minutes we got there.
Matt was panting and laughing.
We both walked inside and ordered before grabbing our food and sitting down.
"It's late, how're we gonna explain this to our parents?" Matt asked.
"My dad's away and my moms at a day long conference, she won't be home till around midnight. I should be ok."
Matt nodded.
"It's Friday, I'll just tell my mom I'm out with you. She trusts me, you know me, what am I gonna do? Have to much chocolate milk?"
I laughed.
"True. I'm sure hopscotch games get really rambunctious."
He laughed.
I smiled.
"So your fairly close to your mom?" I asked.
He nodded.
"Yeah. She's great. I love her."
I nodded.
"That's gotta be nice."
He tilted his head to the side.
"Not too close to her?"
I shook my head.
"She always seems to be at work. We never talk, she even forgot my last birthday. Plus she doesn't really trust me. So, definitely not close."
He frowned.
"I'm sorry."
I shook my head again quickly.
"It's fine, I'm used to it, I just, I don't really think she loves me."
He grabbed my hand.
"My dad left us when I was like one, I know how you feel. Just try to focus on the people that make you feel loved, okay?" He said.
I nodded.
"Okay..." I paused. "So... You?"
He smiled.
"If I make you half as happy as you make me, then yeah."
We both quickly finished eating before we both decided to call home to say we'd be home late.
Matt told his mom, and I left a message.
We checked how much money we had left, he had about 5 dollars and I had about 35.
"Wanna go to the beach? It's really nice at night." I said.
He nodded.
"I haven't lived here too long, haven't been down at night; so yeah, sure."
We walked down to the bus stop and caught a bus down to the beach, which was only about an 30 minute walk from my house.
We walked down the beach to little bench swing and sat down.
"It's beautiful out here." Matt said, grabbing my hand.
"I know; it's so peaceful." I said.
I rested my head on his shoulder.
The stars were bright and the full moon was shining on the water, causing the sea to sparkle.
He kissed my forehead softly.
"I love you." He said.
I smiled.
"I love you too." I said, almost in a whisper.
He rested his head on mine.
And before I knew it, we were asleep.
In the morning I felt someone lightly shake me, waking me up.
"Julie, wake up. We fell asleep last night."
I slowly opened my eyes.
The first thing I could think of was how much trouble I was gonna be in, but I tried to forget about it and just enjoy the moment.
Matt was sitting there, his here popping out everywhere, looking sleep with his glasses on.
He was adorable.
"You look so cute." I said sleepily.
He turned bright red.
"You too."
I sat up.
"We should get going home."
He nodded.
"Yeah, but first, let's watch the sunrise, I just moved here, I've never seen this." He said.
I smiled.
And we watched the sunrise.
BYE! ;)

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