Chapter 39

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I slowly rolled over.
It was morning.
I guess we'd fallen asleep here.
I yawned and shoved Matt me.
"What?" He asked sleepily.
"We fell asleep on the couch." I yawned. "It's morning."
He rolled over and looked at me, his hair was everywhere.
I laughed softly and he smiled a little.
He sat up a little before collapsing back down with his face in a blanket.
"Good morning." He said.
I smiled.
"Good morning."
He wrapped an arm around me and hugged me close, before kissing my cheek.
"I love you." He said softly.
I kissed him.
"I love you too."
He smiled happily.
"Excited about seeing your dad today?"
I nodded.
"Yeah. I mean, he's been gone for years."
He nodded.
I bit my lip.
"So... Would you mind coming with me...?"
He shook his head.
"No, of course not. I'd be happy to come."
I smiled.
"Thanks. I'm just nervous. It'd just be a lot easier with you there."
He smiled.
"That means a lot."
I nodded.
"I'm glad."
He hugged me a little tighter for a second.
"So... Do you think my mom's still gonna hate me today?" He asked.
I shrugged.
"Maybe a little bit."
He rolled his eyes.
"That'll be fun."
"Yeah, for all of us."
He laughed softly.
I shook my head.
"It's fine."
We just laid there in silence for a minute.
"I wonder what time it is." I said.
All of the sudden my phone rang.
I stood up and grabbed it.
It was 10 in the morning.
I answered it.
"Hello. It's your dad."
I smiled a little.
"Oh! Hi. What's up?" I said.
I looked over at Matt who was looking at me smiling.
"I thought maybe we could get together at like, noon... Would that be ok for you?" He asked.
I nodded.
"Yeah. Absolutely. Sounds great."
"Where do we meet?" He asked.
"Um, you know the frozen yogurt place close to our old house? How about there." I said quickly.
"Ok. Great. See you there."
"See ya."
Then I hung up.
"What time?" Matt asked.
"2 hours."
He nodded.
I took a deep breath.
"I'm gonna go take a shower."
"But we only have 2 hours till we leave." He said.
I laughed softly.
"Shut up I'll be fast."
He laughed before standing up and walking into the kitchen.
I walked into our room and into the bathroom before stripping and getting into the shower.
I washed quickly before getting out.
"Ten minutes!" I yelled, with a laugh.
I heard him laugh and then got dressed.
I brushed my hair and put on a little bit of makeup before walking out of the room.
"Matt?" I asked.
He turned around and smiled.
"Do I look ok?"
He looked at me for a second before turning bright red.
"Yeah... Yeah you look beautiful."
I smiled.
He walked a little closer to me before pressing his lips to mine.
He kissed me for a few seconds before pulling away.
"I love you." He said quietly.
I was bright red.
"I love you too."
He laughed softly.
"I have go get ready to go."
I nodded.
He smiled.
"See you in a few minutes."
I nodded back.
He slowly walked away.
I smiled to myself.
I grabbed a bagel out if the kitchen before toasting and buttering it.

He walked back out a few minutes later.
"Ready to go?" He asked.
I nodded.
We walked out the door and to the car.
I bit my lip.
"I'm nervous."
He laughed softly.
"I know. It's gonna be ok. Geez. I'm sure you'll be fun on the wedding day." He said.
I slapped him.
"Hey!" I said, laughing.
He laughed.
"Sorry, just kidding."
We were both silent.
"Oh gosh, what if you have kids?!"
I burst out laughing.
"Oh yeah you'll jump off a bridge."
He bit his lip.
"I would've said you were crazy but you know what... God help me."
I couldn't stop laughing.
"Drive me to hospital this kid's coming now!"
He laughed.
"Stop! I'm gonna have a panic attack just thinking about it."
I laughed.
"Oh... You know love me."
He shook his head.
"Not arguing with that."
I smiled.
"I love you too dork."
He glanced over at me.
"Well thank you."
He pulled into the parking lot.
"Should have some time till your dad gets here." He said.
I nodded.
"What do I say to him?"
He shrugged.
"I don't know pretend I'm him."
I shook my head.
"Ew no way."
I laughed.
"Cause I'm attracted to you."
He rolled his eyes.
He reached into the backseat and grabbed a blanket before putting it over his head.
"Now pretend I'm your dad."
I sighed.
"Hi daddy."
He ripped the blanket off.
"I'm done with this." He said.
I burst out laughing.
He shook his head.
"Dork." I said.
He put his face in his hands.
"That's so freaking creepy."
I laughed uncontrollably.
"I know right?"
He looked up at me laughing and shaking his head.
I leaned forward and kissed his cheek.
"I love you." He said laughing.
"I know." I said.
He bit his lip.
"What?" I asked.
He shrugged.
"I'm trying not to geek out."
I laughed softly.
"Cause I quoted Star Wars?"
His mouth dropped open.
"You really are the one for me."
I nodded.
He smiled.
We saw a car pull into the parking lot and we watched as my dad stepped out.
"I'm too nervous." I said.
He laughed.
"Get out of the car."
I rolled my eyes and got out.
I slowly walked over to him.
"Hey..." I said awkwardly.
Matt was following behind me.
"Hi..." My dad said.
Matt walked up.
"Geez. This is worse than even my awkwardness. Talk. I'm gonna go get yogurt." He said.
I laughed softly as he went inside.
We both just stood there.
"So... You're boyfriend... Matt... Right?" He asked slowly.
I nodded.
He took a deep breath.
"I come back and find you all grown up and in love aye..." He said with a small laugh.
I smiled a little.
"Yeah... At least I have good taste in guys..."
He smiled.
"So... Matt. Is he ok?"
I bit my lip.
"Not trying to be nosy but... You know... His arms." He said.
I nodded.
"It's fine. And yeah, he's ok. He's a lot better... There was a little while that he didn't even smile..."
He shook his head.
"You would never guess. He's very... bubbly?"
I laughed softly.
"Yeah. He's a total dork. And I love it."
He smiled a little.
"So are you guys both out of school soon? This your last year?"
I nodded.
He nodded.
Matt walked out of the door.
"I saw dorky and bubbly in one sentence, I don't know what you were saying about me but it better not have been mean."
We both laughed softly.
"It wasn't."
He nodded.
My dad smiled a little.
Matt took a deep breath.
"Talk guys, it's been years. I'm just here to break the ice."
I took a deep breath.
"Um... I'm sorry, I'm nervous."
"Why?" Dad asked.
I shrugged.
"My mom left... I don't wanna say anything wrong to make you... I don't know..."
He shook his head.
"Never... Don't worry... I'm your dad, I love you."
I smiled a little.
He hugged me.
"And my job here is done." Matt said quietly.
I heard him and laughed softly.
My dad pulled away a little.
"Future son in law, join in."
He laughed softly before joining the now group hug.
"I love you guys." I whispered.
"We love you too."

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