Chapter 18

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I sat in that room for about another hour without anything happening. He just laid there with his eyes half open.
Probably drowning in thoughts like me.
After a little while we heard a knock on the door.
"Come on in." I said.
I was surprised to see Jake, and Brad walk in.
"Hey guys." Brad said quietly.
"Hi." I said.
Matt turned and looked at them.
He slowly smiled.
"Hey guys." He said happily.
They walked over.
"Hi Matt, how are you doing bro?" Jake said.
Matt shrugged.
"I feel really weak, and tired. And uh, it hurts." He said softly.
They nodded.
"Yeah. I'm sure it does. I'm sorry people were so awful. I'm sorry I was so awful." Brad said.
Matt shook his head.
"Thanks... But you've got nothing to do with this. It wasn't you. Ok?" Matt said quietly.
Brad nodded.
"Ok. And I mean, don't say anything; but my dad he um, hurts me. And I um, I've considered ending it several times. Just don't give up. Ok? Just hold on to that hope that it'll get get better. And if you, um, need to talk, than I understand. So, I'm here for you dude. I'm your friend." He said.
Matt nodded.
"Thanks, and I'm sorry. I won't say anything if you don't want me to."
Brad nodded.
I looked at Matt's arms.
His arms were completely covered in cuts, but at least they weren't bleeding anymore.
Some weren't even deep.
It was like he'd just had a complete nervous breakdown.
I felt even more tears come to my eyes.
I just wanted ever single one of them to go away.
But even with them he was the most beautiful human in the universe.
I honestly didn't know how the doctors had managed to save him.
When I'd found him, I'd thought it was the end.
And I honestly knew there had to be a God, because I'd prayed all the way here, and there was no way he would live.
It was a miracle.
He looked over at me and grabbed my hand.
"Are you ok Julie?" Brad asked.
I nodded.
"Yeah... I'll survive."
Matt smiled softly.
"Well that's good." He said.
I laughed softly.
"Seriously. My heart beat's because of you. My heart beat's for you." He said quietly. "I realized something when I woke up with you here."
I was silent.
"I hate being bullied, I hate hurting, I hate myself." He said sadly. "But I love you."
I smiled a little bit, through all of my tears.
Jake smiled too.
"Love's a powerful thing." Brad said.
Jake laughed.
"Since when are you the wise romantic?" He said.
Brad smiled.
"I actually do love someone. I just know they don't love me. And they probably never will." He said.
Jake laughed.
"Who? Julie?"
Brad shook his head quickly.
"Lexi?" Matt asked.
He shook his head again.
"I know who." I said.
They all three looked at me.
"It's Katy. And it's pretty obvious."
Brad turned bright red.
Jake's mouth dropped open.
Brad slowly nodded.
Jake laughed.
"She said it was obvious." He said.
I laughed.
"Not nearly as obvious as your crush on Lexi."
He frowned and turned bright red.
"Fine, forget it." He said.
Matt laughed a little bit.
"I wish I wasn't so tired guys. But I am. So be quiet and let me sleep." He said, closing his eyes.
"Fine sleeping beauty. Goodnight. I love you." I said.
He giggled.
They unhooked him from everything at about midnight.
They said he'd feel weak for about a week, before starting to feel better.
But they decided to keep him overnight.
They let me stay in the room with him since I was so traumatized and scared. I don't even know what I was scared of exactly. I just knew I couldn't leave him yet.
"I'm really tired but I don't know how I'm supposed to sleep." Matt said softly.
I nodded.
"I know how you feel."
I got up out of my bed and walked over to him.
"Scoot over." I said.
He scooted over.
I sat down and covered up with the blanket.
He grabbed my hand.
"Life's gonna be very different now, isn't it?" He said.
I slowly nodded.
"It probably will be."
He sighed.
"What are we gonna do?" He asked.
I looked him in the eyes.
"We're gonna get through it."
He looked at me for a second before kissing my lips softly.
I rested my head on his shoulder.
"Why do you have so many cuts?" I asked softly.
He took a deep breath.
"I had a nervous breakdown, I completely lost it. I just... Freaked out, I didn't even really know what I was doing. I just, couldn't stop. I couldn't think... I couldn't stop crying... Then I blacked out." He said softly, his voice was shaky.
I gave him a tight hug.
He was pale.
"You're ok now. Everything's gonna be ok." I whispered.
I ran my hand through his hair.
"Before I completely blacked out, I was so scared." He whispered. "I heard you crying, I'd thought I'd imagined it."
I wiped the tears off my face.
"What were you scared of?" I whispered.
"I was scared that you'd stop loving me... I was scared I'd hurt you... I was scared that you would stop smiling... And it'd be my fault." He whispered. He was crying a little bit.
"Hey, listen. I forgive you for doing that. It hurt, but I'll heal. And I'm never gonna stop loving you." I said softly.
He took a deep breath.
"Thank you." He whispered.
And right before I fell asleep he softly said:
"I'll love you for eternity."

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