Chapter 15

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"Wake up Julie, we're going to church." 'Momma' said.
I rolled over and smiled.
"Good girl." She said.
She went over to Matt and shook him.
"Get your butt out of bed!" She said laughing.
Matt jumped up with a terrified look on his face before shooting his mom a glare.
She walked out of the room laughing. I was too.
Mat smiled at me, rubbing his eyes and grabbing his glasses.
"Ah, I can see now." He said.
He laughed.
"You seriously need a brush."
I jokingly frowned.
"So, are we dating?" I asked.
He shrugged.
"I don't know, do you want to?"
I took a deep breath.
"I feel like that tag... Changes things."
He nodded.
"I agree... How about we're just, best friends that love each other."
I smiled.
"That sounds nice."
He gave me a thumbs up.
"Than I guess that's what we'll do."
He went over to his dresser and grabbed some clothes before walking into the bathroom.
He shut the door behind him, going to change clothes.
"I've got nothing to wear." I said.
He stuck his head out.
"My mom or my sister might have something you can borrow, don't be shy they don't bite." He said. "Well... not usually." He laughed creepily.
I smiled and left the room, walking over to his mom.
"Do you have any clothes I can borrow ma'am?" I asked.
Olivia came running over as at the speed of light.
"Let me save you." She said with a laugh. Pulling me with her.
We walked into her room and she opened her closet.
"This would look, so, cute on you." She said holding out a blue dress.
I smiled.
"Try it on!" She said smiling.
I nodded and walked into the closet.
I came out a minute later wearing it and she cheered.
"Ooh, what shoe size do you wear?" She asked.
She grabbed a pair of shoes and handed them to me.
"These will look perfect! But... Your hair needs help. And I'm sure you want to look good for Matt." She said, wiggling her eyebrow.
I laughed.
"Fine. Help me."
After about 20 minutes of a very hardcore makeover, I was finally dressed.
I walked into the kitchen where everyone was eating but me and Olivia.
Momma saw me and smiled.
"I hope I look okay." I said.
She gave me a thumbs up.
Matt turned around and looked at me with a smile.
"You look beautiful." He said softly.
I smiled.
He was wearing black jeans, a blue tank top and a denim jacket.
It hurt to see him wearing bracelets now that I knew why but I smiled and grabbed his hand.
"I'm wearing the friendship bracelet." I said softly.
He smiled, a hint of sadness in his eyes.
"I am too." He said.
I grabbed a can of yogurt and sat down beside him.
He was eating lucky charms.
"I've only gone to this church 3 times, the people I've met are pretty nice... You'll fit right in." He said.
I nodded.
"I hope so... My mom was religious... I don't know what she was though, all I know is she wanted me to be perfect. And I never was, so she didn't like me."
He nodded.
"I've known people like that too. But not all Christians are like that. Clearly, because, I'm awesome."
I laughed.
"Yeah, you and your family are great."
He smiled and put his arm around my shoulders.
"Me and you can be imperfect together."
The service was about an hour long, and it was actually pretty good.
Afterwards we walked out into the lobby.
It was a small church, and Matt was right, everyone did seem nice.
The lobby was really crowded, everyone was in there socializing. But I didn't know anyone.
A few minutes later the pastor came over and shook Matt's hand.
"Hello sir." Matt said.
The pastor smiled.
I held on to Matt's hand.
"And who is this?" The pastor asked.
Matt smiled at me.
"This is Julie, she's my best friend in the world, I love her with all of my heart." He said.
I smiled.
I wasn't sure exactly what the pastor would say about a 15 and 16 year old loving each other.
The pastor looked at us for a second with a smile.
"I can tell." He said.
He shook my hand.
"Very nice to meet you Julie, I'm assuming you love him as well?"
I smiled and nodded.
"He's literally my everything."
The pastor smiled happily.
"God bless you both." He said, then he walked away.
Matt smiled at me.
"I'm your everything?" He asked.
I nodded.
"Yeah, I'd be nothing without you."
He wrapped his arm around me as we walked over to his mom.
She was having a conversation about motherhood with a young lady who had three kids.
We both stood there, bored out of our minds, yet still nodding and laughing.
Until finally they stopped and said we should leave.
We got in the car and rode home.

"The pastor was nice." I said.
He nodded.
I took a deep breath.
"Tomorrow's Monday." I said softly.
He nodded again.
"I know..." He said slowly.
He looked at me and I saw fear and sadness in his eyes.
I squeezed his hand tightly.
"We'll get through it, don't worry."
I hoped I was right.
He nodded.
"Yeah... Do you know how hard all of this is for me?" He asked in a whisper.
I thought for a second.
My heart hurt.
"There is no way I can know completely, but I promise it hurts me as much as it hurts you." I whispered back.
He gave me a sad smile.
"I'm trying, I promise... And I haven't done anything since you found out... Part of me wanted to... But I want to get better. It's just hard when the world is working against you." He whispered so softly I could barely hear him.
I scooted a little bit closer to him.
"I'm here for you." I whispered. "It's you and me against the world."





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