Chapter 41

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"Well... It was good seeing you guys. We're gonna stay in touch ok? I'll see you... Eventually. I have to go home and say goodbye to my parents." Jake said.
I nodded.
"Ok... See ya." I said.
Lexi walked over and gave him a hug.
"I'll see you in a few weeks. My school's close to yours."
He smiled.
"Yeah, see you then."
Then he waved to all of us and walked out the door.
I looked over at Brad, who hadn't said much.
"You ok?" I asked.
He looked over at me and nodded.
"Yeah. I'm fine. Everyone leaving is just... So weird."
I nodded.
"I know... I'm gonna miss everyone."
He sighed.
"So when do you leave?" He asked.
"1 week." I said.
He nodded slowly.
"And you?" He said.
Matt looked over.
"Same as her."
I couldn't help but feel a lump in my throat.
Me and Matt both got in to good schools. Which was awesome... The only problem, was that mine was in New York, and his was in California.
Katy walked over and sat down
next to Brad.
Her school was here, which I was glad about; because I didn't want her and Brad apart.
They needed each other.
Brad was going to an art school in the area, when he moved into Sally's house, it turned out her son owned an art school, and could let Brad in. He had missed a lot of school over time, so it would be impossible to get in to most colleges. This was the best opportunity he could possibly have. I was happy for him.
I'd miss him and Katy a lot.
I'd miss everyone a lot.
Brad took a deep breath.
"I'm gonna go home. I'll see you guys later." He said, standing up.
Katy stood up.
"I'm gonna go with him."
He looked at her and his eyes lit up.
"Yay." He said in a high pitch voice.
She giggled.
"You love me."
He smiled.
"Yeah I do."
I smiled to myself.
He waved.
"See you guys."
I waved.
"See ya."
They walked out and shut the door.
I looked over at Matt, who was sitting next to me.
"Hi." I said.
"Hi." He said.
I smiled a little.
"Best friends right?"
"Of course." He said dramatically.
"Can I tell you a secret?"
"Of course."
I looked at him for a second.
"I'm sad." I said softly.
He nodded.
"Talk to me about it." He said quietly.
I shrugged.
"I want us to still be goofy kids... I don't want to grow up. We're supposed to be best friends and now we're gonna be on opposite sides of the country."
He bit his lip and cracked a small smile.
"Well... We're still goofy." He said.
I laughed.
"That's true."
He hugged me.
"A couple years apart... We can handle that, right? We handled death. Remember? Distance is nothing."
I took a deep breath.
"I just love you so much."
He kissed my cheek.
"I love you too... You saved my life... I'm not gonna move on. You don't need to worry. I'm a little scared too... But we'll be fine."
I wrapped an arm around him and rested my head on his shoulder.
"Promise?" I asked softly.
"I promise."
I closed my eyes.
It was almost dark outside, the sun starting to set.
I was at Matt's house, sitting with him on the couch.
That was such a simple thing.
But soon I wouldn't be able to do it anymore.
So for then, I just stayed there.
He had his arms around me and his eyes were closed too,
"Thank you... For loving me..." He sang quietly.
I smiled softly.
He hummed a little more of the song.
"You're my everything..." He said in a whisper.
I hugged him a little tighter.
"You're mine."

The past year had been amazing.
Probably the happiest year of my life.
Matt was still depressed, but not suicidal. And he hadn't hurt himself once.
He just came to me and we did stupid stuff instead.
Plus my dad was back, and we'd been hanging out a lot.
Having a parent felt good.
Having to leave, not so much.

Matt started to smile.
"What?" I asked.
He stood up and walked into his room.
A minute later he came back with two bracelets.
We hadn't worn the first two since... Well, we forgot to put them on. We were a little distracted.
He handed me one.
I smiled a little.
"I won't take it off."
He shook his head.
"Me neither."
We both put them on.
I smiled.
"Best friends forever." I said.
He laughed happily before nodding.
"Yeah, definitely."

"Yeah, I'll be back in a little while." I said.
Sally nodded.
"Good luck."
I smiled.
"Thanks, bye."
I walked out the door and got in the car.
My dad being in jail was so weird.
It was nice being safe, but him being in prison, kind of sucked.
I had been going in once a month for the last year; I hadn't gotten him to come out once.
I'd go and ask, they'd come back a minute later and tell me he wasn't coming out.
I'd been asked a lot of questions, and I'd been honest.
So for the amount of abuse I'd suffered in the last 18 years, and him almost killing me, he had gotten 10 years.
Which meant that I'd be almost 30 when he got out.
But I mean, as bad as it was, he shouldn't have had me on the verge of death my whole life.

I pulled up into the parking lot of the prison.
I took a deep breath before stepping out of the car and walking in; I walked up to the desk.
"Mark?" The man working there asked.
I nodded.
He started walking back and I followed him before sitting down and waiting.
A few minutes later, to my surprise, he came out.
I took a deep breath as he came and sat down.
The man walked over to the wall like usual.
Good walking distance.
My dad still didn't look at me.
"Hi." I said.
"Hello." He mumbled.
Now that he'd come out, I wasn't sure what to say.
"Haven't seen you in a while." I said.
He laughed.
"Bet that's been nice."
I shook my head.
"No... Not really."
He slowly looked at me.
"Why do you keep coming back here?" He asked.
I sighed.
He shook his head.
"No, you know what I've been like, your whole life. So why the heck do you keep coming here."
I swallowed.
"Maybe it's because I've grown up without getting to have any parents, and I still want a dad." I said quietly.
He looked at me for a minute.
"Why the heck would you want me? I made your life miserable."
I shrugged.
"I forgive you for it... You've got a second chance. I used to be kind of like you too you know, at school. I kept telling this kid how awful he was, and that he should cut himself... Which he was already doing but he was trying to stop. I made that kid want to die. But he found out about everything going on with me... And he was a friend to me. After everything I did. He's still my best friend. So I mean... I think I can do the same for you." I said slowly.
He didn't say anything.
It was completely silent for about 2 minutes.
"I know how awful I was, but I did love you." He said quietly. "I was bipolar... And depressed... And drunk... I didn't even know what I was doing... I didn't want you dead. I was crazy... I don't know how I did that... You never did anything. You were always such a good kid despite everything... I hate myself." He said said, shakily.
"It's never going to be enough... But I'm so sorry."
I was shaking.
"I forgive you." I said in almost a whisper.
He looked down again.
"You used to be suicidal... I remember. And you hurt yourself... I'm sorry I made you like that."
I shook my head.
"It's in the past. Ok? You can't do anything about it now."
He looked up at me.
He looked like he was going to cry.
"I need to go back... I'll see you later." He said.
I nodded.
"Ok... Bye."
He waved at the man and he walked over and took him back.
I stood up and walked out of the building.
I walked out to the car and got inside.
I just sat there for a minute before grabbing my phone and typing in Katy's number.
It rang twice and then she picked up.
"Hello." She said.
"Hi." I said.
"How'd things go?" She asked; there was lots of noise in the background.
"They went pretty good, I'll tell you about it later. How's it going with you?"
She sighed.
"Um... Well, lots of dishes. And vacuuming. And music from 60 years ago."
I laughed.
"So I guess you're busy?"
She laughed.
"Wanna come help? We can go get something to eat later."
I smiled.
"Sure. I'll be over in a few minutes." I said.
"Ok, well, I'll see you." She said. "I love you, bye."
"Love you too. See you in a few minutes." I said.
Then I hung up.

I'd officially come to the conclusion that life was beautiful.

When it ends, don't remove it from your Library please! Love you guys! Byeee

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