"So, tell us about yourself, Aurora," Maria asked in a confident voice.

Aurora nodded, "I'm professionally a model," that's what Tiara had thought before "—my father is Parker Den and my mom is Johanna Den"

"The famous models?" Tiara interrupted. Aurora nodded. Tiara was a fan of the two very famous models, "thas so cool, I love them!"

Aurora laughed, "I'll tell mom and dad that we have a little fan here," Tiara giggled and blushed a little.

"Can we eat now?" Anthony said, but it was a whispered and only Maria heard it as she was sitting beside him.

Maria had an urge of rolling her eyes. She sighed and spoke, "alright, let's get started with our dinner."

Everyone one by one came into the kitchen and settled themselves in. Amira served everyone food on their plates and everyone started eating, mindful of the table manners. The dinner was rather smooth and small talk happened. At one point, Tiara wanted to ask something to Maria and everyone except Aurora was surprised.

"Can I go to Mark's place tomorrow, mom?" That word, 'mom' surprised her brothers. How all of a sudden? An hour ago, she called her Maria and now she was her mom.

Maria nodded, smiling, still not used her being called mom by Tiara, "ofcourse, you can,"

Tiara nodded, "Thanks."

"Um.." Aurora then said, "dad was actually asking if the engagement could happen this month,"

"This month?" Aiden asked, "isn't that a little too early?"

Benjamin put the fork down and took a tissue to wipe his lips and then he spoke, "nothing will change, we'll just become committed. That's all,"

"Well.." Maria said. "if you kids are okay with it then we're fine with it too,"

"Yet again," Aiden said, "no rush."

Aurora and Benjamin nodded.


The balcony was the favourite place in the Collins mansion apart for the bedroom for Tiara

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The balcony was the favourite place in the Collins mansion apart for the bedroom for Tiara. The view was peaceful. It was the night after the dinner with Benjamin's about to be finance.

Tiara was comfortably sitting on the soft sofa. She was holding her guitar in her arms, playing random melodies. She was lost, deep in thoughts. She was thinking if it was a wise decision of excepting Maria as her mother. Was she betraying her real mom? Would she be upset? It had only been four months since Tiara had lost her mother Gwen Ross. She was slowly and steadily growing used to not having her mom by her side all the time.

She was feeling guilty for moving on. She was feeling guilty for getting used to to new people, even if she new the Collins family since the day she was born. Yet, she was guilty and sad. Staring in the darkness outside the balcony, she thought and blamed herself for being a bad daughter for her mother who was dead.

Footsteps of someone walking in the corridors outside the balcony were heard but Tiara was too lost to hear them. Benjamin had just dropped Aurora at her house. He was positive with the decision he'd made, of finally settling down. Aiden and Maria were scared that Benjamin would never get a lady because of his arrogant and cold nature. But Maria knew her son and did what was best for him.

Benjamin realised that the door of the balcony was open, the lights were on too. Strange. He thought. The balcony was always empty and anyone rarely went there. So he peaked into the open room and saw Tiara wrapped into a thin blankets and was softly playing her guitar.

He sighed, "Tiara, it's late. Go sleep," he frowned when he got no reply. He knew she was lost in her thoughts, again. He went further in and sat beside. It was a surprise that still she didn't realise that someone was sitting beside her.

He grabbed her chin and turned it to look at her. He took a deep breath and let it out softly when he saw tears in her eyes. Her brown eyes shined with the moon light.

"What is it?" He asked.

She sniffled and shook her head looking down at her lap.

"Tell me," he insisted. "you can talk to me,"

Tiara took a long pause and Benjamin respected that.

"I just, I feel like I've disappointed mom," she finally said.

"Why- why would you say that?" Benjamin said whilst wrapping his arm around her and pulling her by his side. She instinctively snuggled and put her guitar on the floor vertically.

"I just, I feel like it's only been a few months and- and I'm forgetting mom. I- I mean I'm not forgetting her, I would never but just I want- I don't know. It's so much- oh god I'm sorry," Tiara eventually broke down crying.

Benjamin rubbed her back and kissed her haira, "it's okay to cry. It's fine, you're fine. It's okay to miss your mom. It's okay to never forget her. But, moving on is also something important. And you're doing it just so well. I'm proud of you, baby."

Tiara nodded. Her sobs calming down into sniffles after a while. She stood up and smiled at Benjamin.

"Thanks for talking to me. I feel much better," Tiara said.

Benjamin smiled and stood up in his full height. Tiara's had to look from down to up as he stood up. He is a giant, she thought.

Tiara grabbed her guitar and went into her room. Finally feeling a little relieved and sorted.

Hey guys, I hope you liked this chapter. And I've also decided to not to delete this story. Because, I think it has an audience whom I don't want to disappoint.

The story is also very close to its end :)

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