Chapter 4

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"How did you find me?" I ask Mike as he takes me to my house.

"I saw you come out of the school with that fucking bastard. I know he's trouble so I followed you. I waited outside hoping that you would come out safe, you did at first, but then I saw you run back to the house. I finally got out of my car to see what happened, because it took you awhile to get back outside." Mike explains in a calm, but out of breath voice.

"Thanks, Mike I don't know what would've become of me if you weren't there." I say with a calm voice. For some reason stuff like this doesn't scare me. I don't exactly know why.

"No problem, Kitty." He says as he winks at me. "Though, I think you handled that pretty well."

"Yeah, that's what I was just thinking." I tell him.

"Well, here you are home." Mike says with a sigh.

"Well, Marissa might yell at me. So, how about we go get something to eat. I'm starving." I say with a laugh.

"Whatever you say, babe" He says with a smirk on his face.

"You fucking wish!" I say as I laugh again. I love Mike, the gang says that he likes me, or maybe even loves me. We've been friends since ever. It makes me sad that at any point I could lose him, because of this stupid gang. I fucking hate that my dad quit, and replaced himseld with me. Just so he wouldn't get beat the fuck up, and also just so fucking ass cock sucking Marissa wouldn't be in danger and so Dad could live a better life.

"So, where do you wanna go, Kitty?" Mike says interrupting my thoughts.

"Um...I think Chinese would be good. I've been dying for some lately." I say with a soft, calm voice.

"Something wrong, Bella?" The only times he calls me 'Bella' or 'Bella-May' are when he's being serious or stressed out. Otherwise he calls me 'Kitty' or 'Gata' when it's normal, happy mood. Or when he tries to hit on me.

"Nope. Nothings wrong, why?" I say with a faked, confused voice.

"I'm not stupid, tell me what's bothering you." He knows all my tricks and lies to get out of not telling my true feelings. I hate that.

"Okay, fine you got me. Well, I was thinking about my dad's selfish ways. Of how he replaced himself with me just so he could live a better life. Does he even care about me, Mike?! I fucking hate my dad! Why in the fuck does he have to fucking put him and that son of a bitch before his own fucking daughter?! Why, Mike!? Why!!??" I notice that I'm starting to yell, so I take a couple of breaths.

"Bella, I'm sorry that he did that to you. I don't know how that feels, because I chose to be in the gang. No one ever made me." He explains feeling sorry for me. I hate it when people pity me.

"Yeah, um I've been wondering, why did you join Memphis?" I've been wanting to ask Mike this ever since I found out that he was in Memphis. I don't think he'll tell me though. I mean it's worth to try right?

"I...I don't know why. I...can't tell you. you wanna go get your food. I...I need to go to the bathroom." He stuttered. Mike never stutters. What the fuck is going on??

"Oh. Um yeah. Sure." I say in monotone.

"ok." He says, then he left to go to the bathroom. This is wierd and fucked up, but I followed him.

I see him go in and I wait for him to be all the way in the bathroom. I go in and I see a guy taking a pee in one of the three urinals. He looks at me like if I killed someone.

"What?! Stop fucking looking at me?! Get out! Get the fuck out or I'll hurt you! And don't fucking tell anyone what happened here! Get the fuck out!" I yell holding my pocket knife out at him. He frantically runs out of the bathroom. He better not fucking tell anyone or he's dead.

    "Mike...are you here?" What the fuck of course he's in here. I'm so fucking stupid. "Mike...are you ok?" I smell something. I know that smell. It''s heroin. What in the fuck is he doing with heroin.


     "Mike! Mike!?" I start opening all the stalls. There are five stalls. There's one left. I try to open it and it's locked. Mike has to be in there. I hear Mike mumble something. I can't hear him that well though.

      I dig through my jacket pocket and find my knife. You know what screw it. I go under the stall door, and I see him with a needle in his hand. The need is about to go into his vein when I yell...

      "Mike! No! Stop! What are you doing to yourself?!"

      "Bella...what are you doing here?" He says calmy.

      "Didn't you hear me...-nevermind that. What are you doing to yourself, Mike?!" I yell again. He doesn't answer. "Answer me!" We both know that only the AV gang does heroin. Heroin is the stupidest drug a person can do. Besides  meth. A bunch of conclusions go through my head.

Is he in AV? No, he wouldn't be in Memphis.

Well, maybe he's a spy or some shit. Is he seeking revenge on my dad for AV? No, I don't think so. Otherwise he wouldn't love me, like he says he does. Right?

    "Mike, lets get the fuck out of here!" He just stands there. "Now you son of a bitch!" I yell as I look at my phone screen. It's 3:30. I should be home by now. Marissa is going to send me text saying 'Where are you?!' or 'Get home now!' I desperatly hate her.

     We get out of the buffet and get in the car. I drive this time because I think Mike did a shot before I went into the stall.


    I'm finally home and it's 4:00pm.

    "Where have you been?!" Marissa yells.

    "None of your goddamn fucking business bitch. Didn't you hear me when I left this morning? I said that I didn't want bullshit from you! Is that fucking clear, you fucking ass whore?!" I yell as I try to get Mike into the basement.

     "Don't talk to me like that, Bella!" Marissa comes up to me when I'm by the stairs to get to the basement.

     "Or what, you slut?!" I insult her as I go down the stairs. I'm surprised Mike hasn't said anything.

     "Or I'll...I'll" She says as she raises her hand to hit me. And that's exactly what she fucking does. THAT STUPID ASS SON OF BITCH HIT ME!

     "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to. I...I'm sorry." She looks sorry. But I'm not the kind of person who gives or fucking shows mercy. I grab her by the neck and push her against the wall.

     "Listen, BITCH! Don't fucking hit me again! Next time you hit're going to fucking die. Got it, bitch!?" She nods. Then I hit her back. "So you know what it feels like, whore! Next time it won't just be me hitting you. It will be me with a fucking knife to your throat!" She nods again and runs upstairs. Mike is asleep on the couch. I just sit next to him and put my head in my hands.

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