Chapter 1

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"Ugh. Mom! What the fuck?! Where is my chemistry book?" I yell from my trashy room.

"Don't you talk or yell at me like that, Bella Stevenson!" My ma scolds me from the kitchen, where she is making breakast.

"Ma, I don't have time for your bullshit! My friends are almost here to help me get to school safe. I have to find that shitty book before they get here or else I'm fucked for chemistry class!" I yell back while I go down the stairs.

"What did I tell you about using that foul language, Bella!?" My dad yells, who replaced himself with me in the gang, so he could have a better and healthy life. He still has his tattoos, which still kinda makes him apart of Memphis, the gang. My dad was the leader of it. Which makes me the leader. Half the time me and the homies just sit in our basement and smoke pot. The people in my school call me the 'Druggie Girl' like what the fuck that's not even clever! Stupid ass white people. Can't get their shit straight. I'm obviously the 'Mexican Gangbanger.' My dad, being Mexican and all. My mom, being White and shit. They apparently made a good couple, if it weren't for that bitch I wouldn't be in Memphis; my dad would. She's actually my step-mom, but my dad tells me to call her mom. My real mom, who was Mexican, not White trash, died in a drive by cause of my dad's stupid shitty gang. Memphis decided to attack a different gang, AV, they desperatly HATE Memphis, because we have better sales than them (yes, we sell and buy pot from other gangs, who don't hate us obviously), which I think is a stupid reason for hating us. They sell and buy pot too, just not from us. They try to turn other gangs against us. In reality every gang HAS to get along with all other gangs; otherwise shit happens.

    "Dad, I don't care what you say. It's not my fault I do what I do and say what I say." I tell my dad in monotone.

    "Listen, Bella I don't have time for this. I have to go to work."

    "Listen, Efrain I don't either. That's why I try to get to school early and that's why I need to find my fucking chemistry book before my friends get here!" I explain to my dad.

     "Bella, have more respect for your father!" yells my mom from her room.

     "Bitch, don't make me slit your throat, you know I'm capable of that!" I yell to Marissa, giving my dad a glare. Last year, some dude, named Luke, from AV decided to jump me, luckily I had a switch blade on me. I got him in a headlock and well I finally pinned him down. I put the blade to his throat. I was so close to killing him, but my friend, Mike stopped me. Thank god he did stop me, or else I'd be on trial right now; probably considered guilty.

     "Don't you talk to your mom like that!" My dad yells, raising his hand to hit me.

    "She's not my mom! And she never will be! She's Marissa, some white bitch who decided to take everything from me! I hate both of you! Especially you, Marissa! If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be living this shitty life!"

"Listen, Honey I didn't mean to do that to you. Please, understand that." She tells me in a low, sweet voice, that pisses me off even more.

"Listen, whore I'm gonna leave and when I come back from school I don't want shit from you. I don't want you to tell me what to do or what to say. You know why?" I say in a low harsh voice.

"Why?" She says in a sad 'about-to-cry' voice.

"Because YOU ARE NOT my mom!" I yell walking out the door. My friends are already waiting for me in the driveway. They're looking at me like if they heard me yell at Marissa. On the other hand they probably did. I kinda yell a bit loud when I wanna get everything out.

"Sup, Bella? Looks like you just fought with Marissa." Asks Mike, he's my bestest friend out of the gang. He has the worst tattoos and piercings, but he's actually a pretty chill guy. He's the brother I never got, but wanted.

"So? She's a fucking bitch. I hate her." I say in an angry voice.

"Well, the homies and I could always fix that small problem for ya." He says in a playful voice with a smirk in his face.

"Nah, I don't need a couple a wimps to do a job that I could do any day. Haha, but nah I don't hate her that much, and even if I did I wouldn't do shit to her." I tell Mike in a soft, but playful voice.

"Well, you know how much I love you, Bella. I would do anything for you." Mike says with a smile, I look at his eyes and they have sparks in them. I love that about Mike.

"Haha, Mike you don't have to tell me that kinda shit. Especially in front of these assholes, but I love you too and I would do anything for you too!" I answer, laughing. I look back and I see Jenna, Ty, Kailynn, and Kaden with their mouths wide open. Their jaws practically hitting the earth core. I hate it when they do that. Like what the fuck? What's the big deal? Mike and me are best friends since...ever. I have no idea how he ended up in Memphis, and to be honest I don't want to know.

"What the fuck are you guys staring at?!" I yell and they quickly turn away.

"Bella, we're here." Mike says in monotone. Mike should be going to Weller High, but he got expelled because he got caught with weed. Later, he simply just gave up on school. He, sadly, never came back.

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