Chapter 3

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I get out of his ugly ass house, I'm about to get in his car when I realize that the keys aren't in here. I also realized that I left my bag and books in his house. Ugh.

I run to the front door and open it.

"I told you that you would be sorry, Bella-May." He says, while I accidently run into him. I feel something on my stomach. I look at him with wide eyes.

"Exactly, Bella. I told you, Bella. Remember, fifteen minutes ago? Don't make me pull the trigger, Black Cat." How in the fuck did he know my street name?!

"Who FUCKING told you my street name?!" I yell at him.

"Oh, Sweetie, that's only for me to know and for you to wonder. I would say find out, but you would never find out. Haha." He says with a smirk on his face.

"Listen, Malik I don't have time for your fucking bullshit!" I yell.

"Let her go, you stupid ass motherfucker." Oh my God. It's Mike. I turn around to run to his arms, but something has got my wrist. Malik ends up dropping the gun so he can have a tighter grip on my wrist. Serious deja vu, right here.

"Let me go, Malik! Let me go, NOW!"

"Listen, Kitty if you make another move, you and pretty boy die. Got it?" Malik whispers in my ear.

"Yeah, got it." I nod.

"Good! Now go in the house." He commands.

"I'm not your fucking bitch for you to be telling me what to do, Trashbag." I say as I spit at him.

"Lookie here, we got us a badass!" He yells, as I get my pocketknife out of my sweatshirt.

"You better leave her alone, Malik!" Mike says as he steps closer and closer to the door.

"One more step and she dies!" He yells as he puts me in a headlock and puts a knife to my throat. I nod at Mike to tell him that it's safe to come and get me. Mike runs to get me and I stab Malik in the stomach with my pocket knife. I run inside to get my things and the keys. I know that Mike came in his car, but to avoid Malik following us I take them anyways.

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