"What did you do?" Kamari asked, handing a toy tea cup to her niece. Kayla pulled out her phone to see a post on Tori's Snapchat of her ring while holding Ella's hand, with the caption "you may have his necklace, but I have his ring".

"The savagery," Kayla laughed, shutting off her phone. "So, Kamari, Lena's or Alpha House? Jordin says Lena's is going to be huge, and her dad is besties with the chief of police. But, Alpha House has the usuals. Or!" Kayla gasped. "Isla Vista? We haven't been in a while and I kind of want to go night swimming!" She asked. Tori looked between the two confused.

"Wait, what? You guys are party planning in front of me, without me? Seriously?" Tori asked. Kayla and Kamari looked between each other and bit their lips.

"You're a mom now, we didn't expect you'd wanna come," Kamari said, motioning to Ella. Tori scoffed.

"Did y'all not see my mama out there? Did y'all not see her father in there? Y'all supposed to be my girls! I want to go to a party!" Tori whined. Kayla and Kamari shared a glance then shrugged. "Okay, now where are we going?" Tori smirked.

los angeles
7 PM

Tori, Kamari, Kayla, and Jordin sat in the stadium of the basketball game tipsy and a little high. "Bitch! I missed you! I'm so glad you're here! Listen, I got a lil," Jordin said putting his fingers to her lips to signify weed, "in my bag if you want some." Tori shook her head.

"Nah, I got some gummy bears earlier. Listen, though, y'all are gonna have to tell me what's going on, I can't see anything," Tori laughed, causing her friends to laugh. She hadn't done drugs in so long and it was probably not her best move to drink at the same time. Tori pulled her sunglasses down and shut her eyes. This was the best sleep she was about to get in a long time.

7:30 PM

Tori sat up to hear the buzzer go off. "I'll be back," Tori giggled, getting up from her seat to head back with her husband.

Standing by the locker room, André examined Tori, before lifting her sunglasses. "Tori, what the hell?" André mumbled, folding his arms disapprovingly.

"What? Baby, what?" Tori whined. "It was a few drinks, a single shot, and a gummy bear or two," she said. André shook his head.

"You're a mom!"

"You don't think I fucking know?" Tori yelled. André was surprised, she rarely cursed and when she did, she never pulled out the big guns. "I get reminded, every day. I see our kids, I play housewife, I do what I'm supposed to, and I go to sleep. I never get to have fun! Or live as if I'm 20! I'm 20, André! I have three kids and a husband and I'm 20! Let me live!" Tori screamed, catching the players and drill teams attention.

"Is this about the miscarriage—"

"Oh my gosh! You really don't get it, do you? I wanted to be a singer, André! I wanted to live my dream! And the. You came along and fucked up everything up! My relationship with my dad! My career! My youth! Now, I only get to live my dream part time and be your wife all the other times." André held his hands up, disgust written on our face.

"So now being my wife and the mother to our kids is terrible? You don't have to do it!" André shouted, not caring that he was drawing a crowed.

"Then who would? That bitch, Katie?" She yelled. André's face softened. "Don't act like being with you has been a walk in the park. God, I was so stupid to think that a player like you, would be faithful," Tori finally broke.

"If I'm so unfaithful, then why are you with me?" André asked. Tori shook her head with a shrug.

"Honestly?" Tori asked. "I don't know." André watched his wife walk towards the stadium before turning to the locker room to see his team scrambling to back up.

Tori passed by her friends, heading out of the stadium, with her girls hot on her trail. "Tori! Where are you going?" Kamari asked, pulling her best friend back to the group. The singer spun around to reveal tears streaming down her face. "What happened, baby don't cry," she said, pulling the girls to the bench. Tori took a deep breath and played with her fingers.

"I think André and I are gonna get a divorce," Tori said, shocking everyone. They showed true passion and love. So much so, that it got them in trouble, sometimes.

"What? No. You guys are soulmates. This must be a mistake. What happened?" Kayla asked. Tori shook her head and leaned against the back of the cold metal.

"What happened is that I realized that my life, wasn't the life that I wanted. I'm getting a divorce. Because I deserve more. My kids deserve more. And at the end of the day, thats all I care about," Tori surely settled. Jordin folded her arms and smacked her lips.

"This man endured the wrath of your father, three unexpected pregnancies, and slew of other shit, for what? Just to smash? No! Go and fight for him!"

"Fight for him? Who's gonna fight for me? For my kids? He has done unthinkable things, that I would have! He cheated, he lied, I was nothing but good to him!" Tori yelled, getting up from her spot and ripping away from her friends. "This is his lose, not mine!"

12 AM

Tori came into her house to see her kids, still awake with Noah and Laura on the couch. "Mommy!" The boys called running to her with Ella not too far behind. Tori's heart broke, as she dropped to her knees.

"Where's Dré?" Laura asked. Tori looked up to her mother teary eyed, before her brother and mother jumped to her rescue.

"Can we save this until tomorrow, I'm really sleepy," Tori excused, taking the kids to her room. Quietly, Laura and Noah watched the mother tangle her kids to bed and shut the door.

"I'm gonna kill him," Noah whispered, balled fist and white knuckled.

"You can't," Laura stopped. "You're legal, you'll be charged as an adult," she said, moving back to the couch. "I'm sure this will blow over. They probably just need the space," she guessed. Noah glanced to his sisters bedroom door knowing that she was most likely crying her eyes out and he couldn't do anything about it.

"That bastards going to pay," Noah said under his breath, leaning back into the couch and pulling out his phone.

To Be Continued...

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