Ch-9 Drama Queen

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The knock came on my palace's door. Obviously it was Julia. It's not like some life changing angel visits at 10:30 at night. Maybe the angel would come if I would give up destructive habits like lapping up ice cream and watering my piehole with coffee every now and then. I was lapping up some really good quality ice cream at the moment, the kind that feels like the most softest, smoothest play doh was made into a cream somehow and then chilled. I bought it with my own money which I earn from writing fabulous books, and not doing corporate slavery for some fat CEO. Ice cream donuts are the next best thing, but only because there's ice cream on it. I buy donuts with my own money too. Otherwise circular chocolate dipped breads with a hole is kinda pointless.

I was successful at ignoring the knocks with my marvellous productive thoughts. But then Julia finally asked, "Are you alright? Did you fall?". A long pause. Why the heck would I respond?

"Jason, did she faint?" I heard her say. Oh, so Mr. Ohlookatmeimsoperfecticanmakeyoustopcaringaboutyourdisabledsister was here too. I wheeled over to my desk and started writing some story ideas. As if that's easy to do with people banging at your door. Get a clue. Leave!

"I see shadows moving." Jason said. "Claire open up, we're worried. Do we have to break the door?"

Oh-kay, I mean I get that you're muscular and all but my door is pure one and a half inch wide white plywood with a secure lock system. Dude would rebound all the way to his gym if he tries to collide against this door. I got the plywood door made with my own money, hard cash.

"Alright, yes!" I yelled, not too loud. "I'm here! I was sleeping. Please leave, I'll come out later.

"Come. Out. Right. Now." said two truly inhuman voices.

"Uh... what's going on?"

"Come. Out. Right. NOW."

"You both are being really weird right now. I promise."

"Come. Out. RIGHT. NOW."

"Will you two complete freakheads shut up? You're totes creeping me out."


"You should stuff some coffee powder mixed with ammonium nitrate down your throats. It should help your voices."


And the door flew open, with a wild and crazy Julia and some guy screaming.

I shot up from the bed, panting.


Okay. Okay. Okay. Oook.

Never had such a realistically weird dream. Totally weird. Bleh.

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