Ch-5 Decorum vs. Carseline

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This incident is something which is glued to my mind. Something that is quite unforgettable. And I feel sick whenever I think about it. And I feel that this was Jason's first impact on her.

A sparkle of happiness lit in her eyes. She typed away into her phone. A text message booped again, and she giggled. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. RepeatRepeatRepeat. That's when I saw her eyes filling with utmost pleasure. And when I started to get irritated, as well. I was talking to her about the latest ladies watch from Decorum (I know right, what a strange name for a watch brand!) versus the new ladies watch my favourite brand, more cheaper, Carseline, but when she heard a message from her phone and instead of checking it and then putting it back, she kept on happily texting for half an hour, so very couldn't-care-lessly ignoring me.

She recorded a voice message-

"Well, I believe I have thought many people lovely, but... one is very special..."

Huh? OK. And wayrd. Ignorance level pushed too far.

"Julia, what are you doing? You haven't even finished your tortilla." I said strictly.

"" She hushed me.

"Julia, you're making me angry! I'm tired! Finish your tortilla and let's go!"

"Tired of sitting in one place all year...' She murmured.

I flushed. Told you, I am an introvert and also feel insulted in little things.

'And that too in a wheelchair..."

"That's-not nice Julia! Stop it!"

" And you stop overreacting! Why are you so jealous?"

Well, actually, sometimes, she's not as nice as she seems and talks. She actually sometimes has a short circuit. A lot these days. Because of demanding officework, probably. Jess once told me that Julia purposely spilled coffee over a colleague out of anger. Thank god Julia prefers cold coffee over hot.

I tried to fight back.

"Who told you that?"

"Amie Rodeon " OH. My middle school nightmare? My first bully? Who even Julia hated her and for it she smacked Amie when she was 17 and Amie was 12. She even got suspended for a day for it. But that fixed Amie enough. I still hate the way she bullied Calleh. She was one of my bestest friends, and I couldn't hold my anger, since Calleh was even softer than me and I was more bold at that time. So I punched Amie. IN THE GUTS. I know, I know, It was stupid. And I went home with a bloody nose that day, which had been dressed by Carlissa, our nanny for when we were young, and Julia.

Angry now, I tried to snatch the phone away from her.

"Claire! Enough!"

"Julia...!' So very pathetically nothing to say.

' I'm... going home... I don't care about you... and I'm not... waiting as we-well" I stupidly stammered, unable to fight back and defend myself. I had never been able to anyway.

She snatched her phone back firmly.

"I'm not coming."


"And I'm taking Whitney."

She sighed.


"And don't come home."

"Claire, just go!'

I gasped, then angrily went out of the cafe

'And I'm not coming home too fast, anyway!" She said as I started to go.

I exited the cafe. 


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