Time For Action

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" I am not letting them go after what they did to us. I call the meeting with Mr. Cereny not like that. He will file the case tomorrow. Before that we need to fix some issues." Finn said.

" When is the meeting?" Hugh asked me.

" He is on his way to reach here." Finn said to him.

" Which thing do you want to fix? I didn't get it." Dean asked Finn.

" Just to make sure if there is any flaws of our contract we had with them." Finn said to him.

" It was flawless and they just signed it by their own will." Dean said.

" I know. It's formality. He will tell us what is the best thing to do now." Finn said to him.

" Alright, he should have reached by now. What is taking so long for him to reach here?" Dean asked.

" May be traffic." I said.

" May be." Finn said.

" I was thinking about something." Dean said to us.

" Thinking about what?" Finn asked him.

" Just was thinking about the case we are going to file." Dean said to us.

" Why? What's wrong with that?" We asked him.

" Nothing wrong actually." He said. "But we are going to sue the employees when the mastermind is Maxfield. They will be out of this case when actually we should make it on them." He said to us.

" They are matured and they know what is right, what is wrong. Just Maxfields asked them to do it and they agreed to do so? It wasn't expected from a matured person. They did it with their own will. No one pressured them." I said. The point is they have chosen it themselves.

" Nora is right. They themselves bring this on themselves. And as for Maxfields they will get their own medicines back." Hugh said.

" Well, I have a plan. It will 100% work. It will destroy them as well." Finn said to us.

" What is the plan?" Hugh asked me.

" Listen to me very carefully. You know yesterday Mr. Jefferson came to meet me. He was here to see the progress of the project. I told him he will see the final output only." Finn said.

" You did a good job." I said. I don't trust him as well.

" Not that thing actually. He was saying Maxfield reached him and assured him that we will fail to handle this deal." Finn said.

" See, he is creating his own trap." Hugh said.

" Not that easily. He is too much cunning. He has his earth strong under his feet this why he got this courage to messed up with us this time. We need to find out the source of his courage who is behind this. Then just cut off the connection between them. He will shut himself automatically." Finn said to us.

" So, this is the plan?" Dean asked him.

" No, this is plan 2, plan 1 is simple. When we will file the case for our contract we can easily win this case but we won't do that. We will give those employees a chance. We will tell them that we can save them from going to jail if they tells the truth in the court. We will take back our case if they drag Maxfield in the court. So, they will have no other way but to do that. Then Maxfield will get it straight where the hell actually messing up with Campbell can take him. But before that we need to find out the source of his too much courage. The person behind him. So that no one can help him later." He said to us and smirked. Oh, tit for tat!!! I am in.

" Evil plan." I said smirkingly.

" I am in." Dean said.

" Count me in." Hugh said.

" Alright guys. Another plan. Tomorrow I will fire Dean and Hugh. I will insult you both badly. You guys will leave and I believe it Maxfield will try to contract with you. So, just do as he says. Give him everything he wants. Win his trust. You will definitely get a chance find out the hidden figure." He said to us. I chuckled. I am ready to trap Maxfield badly. Let's see how can you save yourself now.

" Roger that." Dean smirked.

" Nora will still contact with you guys cause she is your best friend. So, they won't be doubting. She will act like she is secretly contacting with you guys." Finn said.

" Got it." I said. That will be fun

" Don't talk about it anywhere. Even if you guys want to discuss about it discuss it with the 'bro-code'." He said.

Oh, the bro-code!!! It's so fun. When we were in school we used to talk in a code language which only we two could understand. We have our own code language to communicate each other since then. The only person who knows about the bro code is Finn.

" What if they doubt on it?" Dean asked me.

" Make another meaning of the text just divert their mind from that." Finn said.

" You sure this will work?" He asked me.

" I am confident. And one more thing. No discussing about it in front of anyone. Not even in front of Mr. Cereny." Finn said and we nodded smirkingly. 

Time for Action. I smirked.

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