Secrets revealed

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Jinx POV
We all sat in complete silence I knew that none of them are going to want to start off so I thought I better be the one to

"Well I'll go first" I said not looking forward to it

"well it was an ordinary day really I got up went to work came back and relaxed a bit now i need to tell you that I still had black hair when I was in heaven so I was teased a lot and one day I had gone to work and everyone was taking the piss out of me calling me goth and emo telling me to go kill myself I just shrugged them off but I did have a girlfriend and we were fine but she dumped me because she didn't want to date an emo freak that has a terrible job and I couldn't take much more of it and I started drinking a lot and it came to the point I was a alcoholic and I was drunk one day I went to work and I started yelling at people or punching them every time I got called emo or goth and yh I was banished because of that" I said looking at the floor with disappointment

"Jinx it wasn't your fault it was their fault for taking the piss out of you and not doing anything about it, it's supposed to be heaven but there's still bad things going on so never think it's your fault got it" Chantelle said in a very surprisingly strict tone

"Yh thanks chanterelle" I said smiling

"Okay who's next" she said

Jakes POV
"Well better get it done and over with I was banished because well I used to be very stubborn and never listen to anyone and sometimes if someone asked me to do something I would tell them to piss off and go to my room and because I wasn't working or anything I was just taking up space they banished me"

"Heaven is being really pathetic if that's why they banished you that is so stupid I mean banishing you because you were stubborn WHAT! OMG I just can't right now but why were you so stubborn?"

"I don't know I just kinda hated everyone and didn't like listening to people or talking to them haha"

"Ha fair enough"

I'll go next

"Well my turn now" I start to get comfortable and started telling my story

"When I was in heaven I was exactly the same always telling jokes and making pranks i always had a good laugh so did others but as the years went by I got worse doing pranks that get embarrass people for life and I still found it funny I lost loads of friends doing that but I either didn't care or paid no attention but one day I went too far there was a town meeting and I got the amazing idea to make people into chickens so I dumped a load of glue onto everyone and then loads of feathers let's just say the heads of heaven the hh didn't find it amusing and I got banished for going to far" when I finished speaking Chantelle was about to burst out laughing and as soon as I said the last word she erupted and was laughing her head off

"Hahahahahaha omg hahahahha I remember that I was about I don't know 13 or something I couldn't stop laughing then I remember one of the hh was like a roasted chicken because he was so red from anger and in the news paper the second day it said he had to get his wife pluck the feathers off and nearly rip his skin off trying to get the glue off with a sponge hahahahahha" by that time everyone was in fits of laughed except andy was sat there looking like he was about to cry but not from laughter

Ashley's POV
I looked over at andy and knew he wasn't going to be speaking about it and I don't blame him the poor guy so I decided I would go next

"Looks like it's my turn now" I sat back trying to figure out how to start

"Ok so I was a person that umm like to umm be with women a lot and ummm" cc interrupted me and said "basically he liked to do it with women all the time he was a womaniser"

"Yes umm well anyway but I also liked to go out drinking a lot as well so I got drunk a lot and bumped into women at bars so yh anyway one day I went to a bar and just got wasted I wasn't a alcoholic I just liked to drink anyway after that I bumped into this women and she looked very lonely and upset so I went over and started talking to her and she explained to me how her husband didn't care about her and didn't love her so I took her to mine and well yh so everything was ok never meet her again but her husband found out and turned out to be one of the hh wife's so I got banished for doing it to too many women" Chantelle didn't look at me all through it and even when I finished she never looked at me once she just said "ok" and stopped talking to me i wonder what's up with her?

Chantelle's POV
I didn't want to talk or even look at Ashley because well what he did isn't right taking advantage of sad and unhappy women for his own pleasure I couldn't even bring myself to look at him I just said "ok" and didn't say anything more to him I looked at andy and waited for him to explain his sorry but instead he got up and walked out and I think he was crying.

"What's up with andy?" I said looking at all the guys none of them spoke they just sighed

"The thing is Chantelle he's been banished for a much worse reason then us and he really doesn't like talking about it so just leave him to tell you in his own time and once he thinks your ready he'll tell you just don't ask him about it again ok" jinxx said looking very worried

"Ok I promise"

Andy POV
I really don't like talking about why I was banished and I wish I wasn't banished for this reason at all so once the guys were finished and Chantelle looked at me I couldn't bring myself to tell her and walked out I can't tell her she'll hate me forever and I don't want that to happen she's a very nice girl and a great friend I don't wanna loose her I heard jinx tell her I don't wanna talk about it and I might tell her if I choose to but I don't want to I don't want something like her worrying over me as I was walking I found a concert hall (or whatever you call them) and went inside it was big inside with a massive stage and ripped curtains and it was full of cobwebs

"I can't go back I'll be questioned looks like I'm staying here tonight" I said to myself and went to find somewhere to sleep

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