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Gods POV
"Hahahaha you're so weak you and your pathetic Angels are all going to burn in hell. MY HELL! Hahahahaha" the devil then emitted a ball of energy that was as black as night and sent it hurdling towards me.
My eyes widened, shocked that he would do this, and covered myself with my arms and braced myself for the impact. But I didn't feel nothing, I lowered my arms and looked around to see many shocked faces all looking towards me. I looked down and gasped, someone had sacrificed theirselves to safe me and now because of this stupid rivalry someone has died.
When I zoned back in I saw a girl led on top of the persons body crying and screaming. Something inside me snapped and I looked towards the devil who also had a shocked face which then turned into a devilish smirk.

"No matter I'll just get you the second time" he said while raising his arm starting to emit the dark ball of energy again.

"How dare you kill an innocent person!!" I said my teeth grinding and my hands clenched together

"What? It's not like I wanted to kill them I wanted to kill you but they got in the way so it's their fault not mine" he said smiling like a physcopath.
I growled and started to stand up, dusting all the dust and mud off my clothes.

"You know you think you've won, you think that in trying to kill me and failing it gives you another opportunity to kill me and get your 'revenge'. Well sorry to brake it to you but in failing on killing me my spirit and optimism on beating you is at a all time high and that means I'm beating you whether you like it or not" I said raising my arm and shooting a ball of light energy towards him which hit him right in the chest, sending him flying back. He hit a wall and fell to the floor groaning in pain. He started to get up and started laughing.

"Hahahah you really think you can beat me, your nothing compared to me I could beat you with my eyes closed. Once I've killed you I will rule over heaven, hell, purgatory and earth everything will be mine and everything will end in destruction and chaos haha" he then ran at me and tackled me to the floor.

We both went flying back and hit a wall that was directly behind me. I opened my eyes when I didn't feel anything happening and punched him in the face was knocked him back a bit and his hand quickly covered his nose.
"Hahahah good shot but it's mine turn" and with that he stood up, along with me, and charged at me again but this time I dodged it and shoved him to the ground which he hit face first. I walked over to hit and put my foot on his back and shoved him to the ground, "you will never rule anything besides hell because that's where you belong and where you will stay" I said glaring at the back of his head and pushing down with my foot even more.
I then lifted my foot and started to walk away, but then I heard laughing and looked over my shoulder to see the devil on his hands and knees, laughing, "muhahahahah you know I was going to go easy on you let you rough me up a bit and then disappear to hell and come back another time, but now you've pissed me off and I ain't leaving until I have that baby and your dead!" He shouted already stood up and shooting a dark energy ball towards me I jumped out the way and growled, proceeding to run towards him.

He jumped into the air just as I was about to hit him which made me fall over. I had a few scraps but I wasn't harmed. I looked over my shoulder and glared at the floating beast who stood there laughing at my pain. I got up and joined him floating in the air and proceeding to fight. I was getting a bit out of breathe and was panting, I could feel myself getting weaker and although he was too his actions and movements didn't show it and he landed punch after punch on me. All of a sudden he kicked me in the stomach and punched me which sent me flying to the ground and slamming into it with much force.

I could barely keep my eyes open and thought that it was all over until I looked and saw the girl still on top of the lifeless body, this gave me the strength to get up and again join the devil and this time I wasn't going to loose. I landed punch after punch on him, which surprised him, and kicked him every so often. Finally, he was weak enough for me to send one final punch and blast him with a light ball which sent him flying back screaming, he hit a building and fell to the floor knocked out.

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