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(Jakes POV)

"Someone's tired" ash said picking Chantelle up and probably taking her to his bed

"Someone has a little crush" cc said smiling

"Yup ha wonder how long it'll take for him to asking her out" jinx said

"Not sure wouldn't be surprised if it was tomorrow when she woke up" I said making everyone laugh

Ashley walks in and sits down confused at everyone

"Why you laughing what sick joke did you make this time cc?"

"Wasn't me it was jake"

Ash looks at me and just stares as if saying you gunna tell me the joke

"Oh I was just talking about that time I fell asleep eating pizza"

"Oh that was funny"

Ash said chuckling

"So where did u put Chantelle?" Andy asked

"Oh in my bed I'll sleep on the sofa it doesn't matter neither is comfier than the other" he said smiling

"Ok then well we didn't look for food today we need to find some tomorrow other wise we'll starve" andy said going into leader mode

"Yh well I usually wake up first so I'll get everyone up" jinx said

"Ok then and onto our last topic of the night Chantelle what are we going to do with her?" andy said looking around

"What do you mean what are we going to do with her she's staying here with us" ash said irritated

"Ash were short on food and it's hard enough finding food for ourselves let alone another person and she doesn't have no where to sleep she can't keep sleeping in your bed" andy said

"But we can't just let her go off on her own she doesn't know how to survive on her own" ash said who was getting pretty pissed off

"We survived"

"Yh there's five of us she's all on her own I doubt any of us would have made it on our own"

"He has a point andy we were all together when we were banished so we had each other to help us she's all on her own she won't know how to find food or water or protect herself from who knows what" I said

"Fine but were all going to have less food unless we stay out longer to find food" andy said sounding a little irritated

"Andy everything will be fine stop getting worked up" jinx said smiling

"Yh andy come on and if all this is wroth nothing me and you can prank the others for convincing us she should stay" cc said

"Haha yh ok guys we'll see how this goes for a while but if things go bad she's going no arguments deal"

"Deal" we all said in unison

"Alright then I'm going to bed night guys" andy said standing up

"Same here"

"Me to"

"I need the sofa so everyone get the hell out"

"Looks like I'm going to bed then" I said and walked to my room and fell asleep

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