"Which is? Terri says all she was doing was having a conversation with...Jose?" She checks the paper work to make sure she gets the name right. She stares up at me with a straight face. "Don't tell me this is over some boy."

"Cash? God you can't be serious." I laugh to myself.

"Why would you want to fight her then? If it's not him then what is it?" She narrows her eyes at me as if challenging me.

"Uh...I don't know why I did it. But it wasn't him though." I knew what I was doing. In admitting a partial lie that I'd attacked her for no reason I would end up in anger management. But I'd rather do that than say that I'd attacked her because I'm harboring feelings for Cash. I'm sure that's not the reason I attacked her. I'm pretty sure I attacked her because of the indirect posts and the fact that she's dating Derwin. But even now I cannot fully say those are the two complete reasons I did what I did.

She sighed leaning back in her seat. "Danielle..." she trailed.

"Ms. Harper." I reply with a tight fake smile.

"You remind me so much of myself, trust me I know you girly." She points her finger at me nodding her head up and down. "I know exactly who you are."

"Lemme guess," I chuckle. "I'm a really sweet girl at heart, I'm just fake rebelling because I'm still upset at the loss of my father. And I'm taking it out on everyone around me. Including Terri?"

"No," her words surprised me. "You're not a sweet girl, and you aren't fake rebelling you're actually rebelling. And in fact you're not taking it out on everybody, you are taking it out on yourself. By hanging out with people you wouldn't even have looked at if what happened to your father didn't happen. You are out for revenge, not for him but for yourself. Revenge to change who you are and hang out with those who clearly don't want what's best for you. Trust me Danielle I know you because I was you."

I couldn't hide my awe. She read me like a book and all I could do was stare at her dumbfounded. Was it possible I was taking it out on myself? That my whole "plan" was just some selfish act to surround myself around people who will only drag me down? Was me unfriending Terri in reality me pushing those who were good to me aside? Am I getting revenge on myself? Am I so selfish that I'm using Tony as an excuse to do what I am doing? Be the way I am?

She'd almost had me. That's until I remembered that she is only an outsider. Harper doesn't know me, she didn't know Tony and she knows absolutely nothin about how much Terri deserved to get her ass whooped. She doesn't know about how they are hiding secrets to Tony's death. How they laugh in eachothers faces about me. To her I am taking it out on myself but in all honesty the world has taken its anger out on me enough. There is nothing I can do to make my life anymore worse.

"Nice talking to you. Whatever you have to say, or whatever my punishment is you can tell my mother. Goodbye." I say in a fake polite tone. She nods watching as I stand up and leave out her office. I expect to see Mari hell even my mom waiting out there but to my surprise nobody was waiting in the main office except Cash.

As I walked he followed me. The both of us heading out of the doors and into the chilly wind.

"What the hell was that about?"

"She knows. That's all that matters." I mumble.

"Actually Dani she doesn't, and neither do I. Did you do that because we were talki-"

I turned on my heel walking backwards so he could see my face. I smirked before running a hand over my locs. "Don't flatter yourself baby, it wasn't about you. In fact you were the furthest thing away from being what made her get her ass beat."

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