My Apologies

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Dear Readers,

I apologize for my inactivity. I have lost interest in Voltron and am not going to add to this book or any other book I have created so far from being busy and the lack of interest.
I also apologize for my terrible writing. I made this when I was a middle schooler and thought it was cool of me to say I was a high schooler, which is inaccurate. The middle school I went to was attached to a part of the high school.
I am embarrassed to call this my writing for my grammar and punctuation errors. I have gotten better and am still learning how to write properly.
I do miss you all, but I'm afraid I can't keep up with updates. I've been caught up with midterm exams and busy with everyday life. I hope all of you are doing well and that you've been studying!! Please, I beg of you to study!!
Thank you for being with me and taking an interest in my crappy writing. I hope all of you do well, and hope to write again soon.

The most insignificant writer ever,

Voltron High School AUWhere stories live. Discover now