Chapter Eleven

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   SATURDAY!! MORE LIKE SATURYAY!! Me and my brother Matt our going to a convention! We've been dying to go and have been slaving over making our Rin and Len cosplays but today's the day I get to show off my work! As I woke up and got ready for the con I heard a knock at the front door. Our mom "Matt, your friend is here!" She called up the stairs. "Be right there!" Matt said as he ran down the stairs. I tiptoed my way to the end of the staircase to see who was here and I couldn't believe my eyes. "TAKASHI?!" I came out from behind the stairs. " know Shiro?" Matt looked confused because he never introduced us to each other. Shiro just blushed at what I was wearing. "Q-Quit staring!!" I said all blushy and nervous and UUUHHHH STUPID TAKASHI!! (*≧∀≦*)
"Pidge, Shiro is coming with us to the con!" Matt smiles brightly. "H-He's going to watch u-us do our dance and s-singing?" I questioned nervously and blushed. "Yep!" Matt chirped. "UUUHHH FINE!" I said with my arms crossed and a light blush on my face.
   We finally get to the con and I'm absolutely ecstatic! It's so big and colorful! Shiro gives me this look of pure joy out of seeing me smile. "What's with you? Can't a girl enjoy a con with out being stared at by her older brother's friend?" I say all sassy like. Shiro was just about to speak when Matt interrupted him "Katie were on next hurry!!" We run to the back of the stage and the introducer introduces us "Matt and Katie Holt as Rin and Len singing and dancing to the song "Electric Angel!" I was so nervous but when I got on the stage and heard the music I calmed down. So we began...

They had to make our voices sound electronic because you know Len and Rin are vocoloids. But when I looked out to the sea of people watching us I never knew I'd be so shy to see HIS face while he saw the true me. I felt warm and happy yet scared and this love? His smile shined with pure joy as Matt and I danced and sang.

A/N: Sorry to cut this short but I screwed up my knee today so I don't know what else to write and I'm so excited to hear your response to the song! But should Katie confess her love for Shiro or should Shiro? Or should I just kinda pull out your heartstrings and nerves to make you feel pain? Comment what I should do! Love ya!

        ~Inconsequential <3

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