Chapter Fourteen

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After the whole volleyball knee ordeal I finally got home. Shiro carried me up the stairs to my room. He blushed as he looked around my room "so cute..." he said under his breath. He put me down and helped with my knee. We used ice for the swelling and wrapped it.
It was finally night and I got ready for bed. I laid down in my bed with one hand over my forehead and the other across my torso. "Frigg! It hurts..." I was wrapped in my duvet blanket on my back with my leg propped up on a pillow. Once the pain came to a numbing pain sensation, I fell asleep.
    In the morning I noticed my alarm wasn't ringing "Frigg it's Monday!! Oh right it's not going off because I smashed it with my bat...I'm not that disappointed in myself for doing that." I tried moving but pain shot up into my knee "AHH! Grrr..." I remain still so I'd go away. My mom comes into my room "you're not going to school until your knee is at least figured out. I have an appointment for you tomorrow. Now rest." She says as she puts 2 painkillers on my nightstand with a glass of water and helps me move my knee so it's comfortable. "Take those so I'd get rid of the pain, I'm going to go get an ice pack." She leaves my room and I take the painkillers. I lay back down on my back and sigh.
    "Morning!" I look towards my doorway to see Shiro. "Ehh..." I turn my head to face my window. "Not even a "morning" to the person who helped you yesterday?" He says with a little bit of sass in his voice. I turn my head to face him "Fine. Good morrow sir Shiro. I welcome you to my chambers." I say with a horrid British sarcastic accent. "Better." He smiles. "Why do you have to be so cute." I glare at him. "What?" He says kinda scared. "Why aren't you at school?" I keep this look of suspicion on my face. "Cause I came to take care of you." He smiles and I blushed. He sat at on my bed near my hips so he wouldn't touch my legs and put an arm around my waist. I didn't notice at first because I was drifting off to sleep. I fell asleep. He kissed my forehead and whispered "good night my Pidge..." 

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