⛄|Chapter 38|⛄

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Jimin sat next to the little girl as she played with the unicorn plush Keiko got her. She loves that thing and when Jimin tried to get her to play with the gift Jeon got her, she screamed and started balling.

It is her party currently but she couldn't seem to care and just wanted to play with Haslie the unicorn.

Jimin looked up and met the eyes Keiko who giggled, "I am glad I went with that instead of the painting set," she joked and Jimin giggled. "So am I, my walls would be ruined by now."

Keiko laughed and snorted slightly, moving to sit on the floor next to Jimin. There's a few people here- SeokJin, Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok (whom are sitting across from them in the chairs) and Jeon was there, she just left earlier then intended. There is also Keiko and Koko.

Everyone Jimin invited showed up even though Aki could not but she has an excuse. She is still in Ireland.

"Hard to imagine she's three," Keiko declared, her eyes scrunching up as she grinned, watching the now three year old play with the soft unicorn plush. Jimin hummed and ran his fingers through her longer than usual hair.

"I know right? I feel so old right now." Keiko giggled, "you're only twenty seven, Jiminie. You have awhile." Jimin shrugged, "guess so. But you're only seventeen." Keiko hummed, "and?"

Jimin rolled his eyes playfully, "I want to be young again." The younger quirked up her eyebrow, "and not have Jace?"

The elder gasped- "no! I mean... I would still have her, I just think it'd be nice." Keiko laughed and shrugged, "not really. I wouldn't think at least," Jimin shrugged. "That is true now that I think of it. You know what, I am glad to be old."

Keiko chuckled, "I thought so..."

Jimin heard someone clear their voice and looked up, his eyes meeting a very unhappy Koko. Jimin apologised and got up and Keiko took it upon herself to play with Jace.

Jimin followed the younger in to his room where she shut and locked the door, "I have a very unhappy eomma on the phone." She declared, her face scrunched. Jimin blinked- who now?

"Mom, I have mom on the phone." Jimin made a 'oh' with his mouth and nodded. "Tell her I'll have to call her back," Jimin lied and Koko rolled her eyes but understood.

"Eomma-" Koko's face dropped into a disgusted one- "I get that, but it is Jace's birthday now-" Jimin watched, enthused. It is usually him who argues with their mother.

"Okay, I am sorry. I've got to go and he'll call you later." Before their mother could speak Koko hung up- "damn talk about impatient." Koko snorted, her eyebrows scrunched.

Jimin chuckled, "what was she so mad about?" Koko shrugged, "that you did not invite her." Jimin's face dropped and Koko gave him an encouraging smile. "Hey, it is fine. She'll survive one birthday. Plus, it was her who ruined the last one with all her divorce crap."

The elder let off a small smile and Koko ruffled her elders hair, "don't sweat it. Go enjoy your baby girls birthday. She'll only be three once." Koko made a valid point and Jimin was off.


"Okay, cake time." Keiko declared, picking up the three year old, who still had Haslie the unicorn in hand. Jace did not make a peep and let herself be handed to her mama.

Jimin placed her on the chair and Koko brought out the cake and sat it in front of her. Jace blinked at it like she had no clue what to do and Jimin giggled, "baby, you blow the candles out."

Jace's eyes widened. She does not remember doing this- last time the cake was smashed in to her face by uncle Hobi and uncle Joonie.

"Baby," Jimin started but pretty soon the candles were out and there stood a proud three year old Jace. "I-I di-did i-it mama!" she cheered out and everybody laughed and clapped as she threw her arms up.

Jimin swooped her up and kissed her cheek, "you did do it baby! I'm so proud!" Jace giggled and nuzzled into her mamas neck and Jimin chuckled, "happy birthday, Jace."

The toddler cooed and Jimin had Koko cut the cake with the help of Keiko well he made Jace comfortable at the table.

After about half an hour, Koko came up to Jimin with the phone and looked unpleased and Jimin left her to watch Jace for a minute well he ran to his room.

"This better be important, mother. I have a child to attend to," Jimin spat, quite bitter towards the women he calls mother.

To be honest, she is not really Jimin's biological mother. She is his stepmother. Jimin knows his biological mom and very well, she is a sweet, gentle hearted women. Not this rat on the other side of the phone.

"You didn't-" Jimin cut her off, "I didn't because you ruined it last year. You made it all about you and when you failed you literally set fire to my effing living room. Of course I am not going to invite you. You're a psychopath."

A gasp was heard, "how could you!? you selfish little boy-" before she could finish, a panicked Koko bursted in to the room, breaking the lock and knocking the door off its hinges.

Jimin shot up and locked eyes with her wide, terrified ones- "Jace- she---oh my god she started foaming and is shaking--" Jimin hung up on his mother and ran down the stairs while Koko followed, both of their feet thumping rapidly.

The elder made it in to the kitchen and saw Yoongi on the floor next to a shaking Jace.

He had his hand on her chest and was saying things Jimin could not hear. Jimin threw himself down and grabbed Jace, "hey hey, baby, Jace-" foam ran down the sides of her mouth and on to her mama, but Jimin did not care.

She began to shake more and Keiko was already calling 911, explaining to Jimin what they said to do well they were on the way.

"What the hell---when did this start!?" Hoseok was first to speak, his face completely white- "literally only two seconds after you started arguing with your mother--she started foaming, her eyes rolled back and suddenly she fell and started to shake-"

Before he could finish, Koko cut him off and her breath stopped- "Jimin, she's allergic to sugar, right?" Jimin nodded and started talking to the little girl in his arms.

"There... there was sugar in the c-cake-" Jimin froze, "what? there was what in the cake?" Koko looked up, her heart stopping. "Sugar- t-there was sugar i-in the cake-"

Jimin's eyes widened and he started bouncing Jace in his arms, "oh my god--this is--this is an allergic reaction---" Jimin felt tears roll down his cheeks but in two minutes an ambulance and officers were there, pulling her from mama and loading her in to the ambulance.

Jimin could not believe this--he wasn't the one who got the cake--Jihyun was--Jimin knows Jihyun had no clue what Jace was allergic to--oh god...

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℕ𝕠𝕥 𝕊𝕠 𝕄𝕖𝕣𝕣𝕪 ℂ𝕙𝕣𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕞𝕒𝕤Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora