Chapter IX

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Third Person's POV

Ellique and Lucius ended up just talking in the garden, lying on the grass and staring at the stars.

"I still can't believe the high angels would do such a thing. They should be the ones banished" Ellique said "who knows... Mabye they have tricked other angels too"

"what do you mean tricked?" Lucius asked.

"Before going here on Earth, the High Angels told me to 'drive away' every evil being on Earth, so how else would you do that?"

"By killing them" he replied.

"Bingo. Except when you have overwhelming powers which can drive demons away" she said "but I can only use it once every other day because I have no wings-- where we usually store our powers."

"You have overwhelming powers?" Lucius asked.

"Yes, want me to show you a bit of it?" Ellique asked, sitting up.

"why not?" he replied, also sitting up.

Ellique smiled and pointed her hand to a flower between them. It shot out a small ball of light, and the flower slowly glowed and exploded into tiny pieces.

"Damn" Lucius commmented.

"A pretty scary power for an angel, huh?" she asked, hugging her legs and looking at the boy.

"Yeah, but I like it" he replied and faced Ellique.

"We-- the chosen ones, which is what we call it-- have different kinds of powers. Most of us have healing powers, some just have damage, some have equal-- a balance between healing and damage--, and some have very very dangerous powers-- I'm one of them"

"That's actually pretty cool" Lucius said, "you're cool"

I smiled at him, and he smiled back.

We ended up being there throughout the whole night. When it's time to say good bye, I notice Katherine and Lucius' brother were staring at each other.

"Your brother might melt" I whispered to Lucius, and he looked at them and laughed a little.

"Let them be. They're just in love, like us" he said, and put a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Mhmm. Whatever you say" I said, and smiled a little.

"See you at school on Monday" he said, and smiled.

"See you. And thank you for tonight" I said and gave him a peck on the cheek.

Both families turned away from each other and onto their separate ways.

"You should sleep here, Ellique" My Father said.

"oh... But I left my dog back at the apartment" I said.

"Nathaniel got him" He said, and that instant I heard a dog bark.

I turned around and saw Hachiko was running to me. He jumped on me when he reached a certain point, so I stumbled because of his weight and fell on my bottom.

"Honey! Are you okay?" my Mother asked with a worried voice.

"Yes, Mother" I said giggling, because Hachiko was licking my face.

Eventually, Nathaniel got him off of me.

"Where shall I put the dog, Mi'lady?" Nathaniel asked me.

Ellique And Luciusजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें