Chapter III

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Ellique's POV

I woke up to an unrecognizable white ceiling. I blinked a few times and looked to my sides. I then noticed that I was in some kind of hospital bed. My eyes widened and I shot up, making the bed wiggle.

"Hm?" I heard a curious voice of a woman, "oh, you're awake" she smiled.

She looks like a nurse... I then felt a shiver down my spine.

"Are you feeling better?" She asked.

"Yes.. I am feeling a lot better" I said, "uh.. may I ask, where am I?"

"You're in the school's infirmary room. You got beaten up by four girls, you don't remember?" She said.

"Oh... Those girls... I couldn't sense any demons in them but with the girl I bumped into... I really felt that strong demonic aura"

"I... I remember" I answered.

"Why were you in school grounds anyways? Are you here to apply for school?" She asked.

"Yes... But how?" I asked.

"Oh, just come with me" she said and smiled.

I then stood up and followed her through the halls.

"There are still classes at this hour, so Lucius wasn't there when you woke up" the nurse again said.

"What? Lucius?" I bluntly asked.

"Yes. Lucius. The boy who carried you to the infirmary.... With the blonde hair and a part of it is raven black" she explained.

"Oh..." I said, "I have to say thank you to him"

"Later. When dismissal time arrives, the students are still studying" she said and pulled my arm gently.

We then reached the Principal's office, well that's what it's called cause I saw the sign.

We went in and the Principal looked to where we were, along with another man, a woman, and the girl from before.

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