Card 7: Ace of Spades

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Card 7: Ace of Spades

The Agents walk out onto the roof of the MMI building as they found no trace of Morpheus, Trinity, Neo or Zelda. All that was left was the safety rope.

Smith kneels down grips the hardness in his hands, "Damn it." he mutters to himself. "The trace was completed," Jones states as Brown walks up next to him. "We have their position." he agrees, "The Sentients are standing by," Jones informs him. Then they both looked at Smith "Order the strike." Brown informs him and they both walked away. Then Smith looks out at the city, "They're not out yet."


The four hurried down the steps of the empty subway as the telephone booth was ringing. A homeless man notices them. As they hurried towards the booth and Neo opens the door "You first, Morpheus." Neo tells him, gripping his shoulders. Morpheus smiles, nodding then he steps into the booth and picks up the phone.

Then he looks at them as he pressed the phone to his ear and he was pulled out of the Matrix, Neo grabs the phone and places it back on the hook. The homeless man was shocked, blinks a few times and rubs his eyes, making sure he wasn't going crazy. Then the phone rings again. "You next, Trinity." Zelda tells her, Trinity nods at the both of them, steps into the booth and picks up the phone, "See you two back on the ship." she tells them.

Then she presses the phone to her ear, then she was pulled out of the Matrix as well, the homeless man was shocked, someone disappeared right before his very eyes, though a telephone. Neo then places the phone back on the hook as they then waited. "Neo." Zelda said, making him look at her, "There's something I want to say, but was always afraid to say it and what would happen if I did and after today. I'm not afraid anymore." she states. He just looks at her, she felt herself closing up, but she stays resolved. "I--" she starts, but then the phone then rings and they both looked at the phone, but Zelda couldn't stop now. "Everything the oracle has told me, every word she said to me, it came true, but it was always true. I guess I was too scared to tell you," she states. He just looks at her, confused. "Tell me what?" he asks her, then the subway train drove past them, sending the window flying and dulls out the sound of the homeless man being overwritten.

Zelda just looks up at him, still too afraid to say those words to him, she exhales lowering her head and they both looked at the phone. She then steps in and took the call. But then her eyes widen as she saw Agent Smith step out of the shadows and aim his gun at her. Zelda pressed her hand to the glass and the phone to her ear. "No!" she shouts as Smith fires, but then misses as she was already pulled out of the Matrix.


Morpheus pulls the jack of Zelda's plug and she shot forward with a gasp and fear in her eyes, "Neo." she mutters as Trinity grips her shoulder. "What the hell just happened?" Tank questions.

And Zelda looks at him. "It's Smith, he's with Neo. Tank send me back in." Zelda informs him. "I can't." Tank informs her as he types on his keyboard.

Zelda shot up on her feet, then scrambles next to Tank's side and looks out at the Matrix encoded world. "Run, Neo. Please, run," she begs him. Then Trinity looks up at Morpheus "What is he doing?" she asks him as Morpheus slowly smiles "He's beginning to believe." he answers her as Zelda held her hands together under her chin in worry.


Neo looks at the broken phone and glares at Smith. "Mr. Anderson," Smith calls out. Then Neo looks out at the stairs. But Neo turns back and faces Smith.

The two have stared down, Agent Smith clutches his fist as Neo was calm and relaxed, but he had a score to settle with Agent Smith. Then they both pulled out their guns and opened fire onto one another, running right towards each other.

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