Card 2: Jack of Spades

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Card 2: Jack of Spades

In the building of Metacortex, inside the main city, next to the other building companies Neo was standing in front of his boss of the computer company, he looks out at the men that were cleaning off the windows outside and Mr. Rhinehart, reading over his file, tosses it to the side, types a few things into his computer and leans back as Neo turns his head to him. "You have a problem with authority, Mr. Anderson. You believe you're special, that somehow the rules don't apply to you." his boss informs him.

Neo said nothing to him, "Obviously, you are mistaken." he informs him, Neo kept his mouth shut as the wiper squeaks. Then Mr. Rhineheart turns to the window looking out at the world "This company is one of the top software companies in the world because every signal employee understands that they are apart of the whole." he informs him as Neo shifts and looks out the window. "This if an employee has a problem, the company has a problem," he tells as he turns back to Neo.

Then he leans forward, against his arms as Neo then looks back at him, "The time has come to make a choice, Mr. Anderson. Either you chose to be at your desk on time for this day forth, or you chose to find yourself another job. Do I make myself clear?" he threatens him, Neo nods his head at him "Yes, Mr. Rhineheart. Perfectly clear."


Neo sat in front of his desk as he was looking at his screen, he sighs as he hated his boss, then he looks over at the frame of him and Riley as they were both sleeping in a bed, cuddled together, Neo had one eye open as he took the photo, Riley was so much different from when he met her in the club.

Someone must of happened when she found the answer, something in that answer changed her or was that all just a dream too? He exhales to himself than someone steps in front of his cubicle. "Thomas Anderson?" the man calls out. "Neo turns to him and leans back in his chair. "Yeah, that's me." he calls out and the delivery man walks into his cubical "Ok." the man states as he handed Neo the form to sign off on.

Then the delivery man scans the package and handed to him as Neo gave back the form, "Have a nice day." the man tells him, Neo just watches him leave, then he looks around as he opens up the package and he tilts it down and what drops in his hand was a cellphone, and a contact of his hand, the phone immediately rings, it was unnerving, to say the least, but he opens the phone and answers the call. "Hello?" he asks. "Hello, Neo. Do you know who this is?" the man on the line answers. Neo turns from his computer as his attention was caught. "Morpheus," he whispers in shock. "Yes. I've been looking for you, Neo. I don't know if you're ready to see what I want to show you. But fortunately, you and I have run out of time." Morpheus informs him.

Neo exhales as he lowers his head. "They're coming for you, Neo and I don't know what they're going to do." he warns him "Who's coming for me?" Neo asks. "Stand up and see for yourself." Morpheus informs him, "What, right now?" Neo asks. "Yes, now," he answers, then Neo moves out from his chair. "Do it slowly. The elevator." Morpheus advises him. Then Neo slowly stood up and looks out, seeing three agents, then a woman points over at him and the agents looked at him. Neo quickly ducks down "Oh Shit!" he whispers as he leans back against his desk. "Yes." Morpheus agrees with him.

Then agents Smith and Jones walk through the labyrinth of cubicles, with police officers behind them. "What the hell do they want from me?" Neo asks him as he paces keeping his head low. "I don't know, but if you don't want to find out. I suggest you get out of there." Morpheus advises him. "How?" Neo asks him. "I can guide you, but you must do exactly what I say." Morpheus informs him, "Ok." Neo agrees as he peeks back out, "The cubical across from you is empty." Morpheus informs him. "What if they--?" Neo asks. "Go. Now." Morpheus orders and Neo quickly moves across and into the next cubical.

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