Card 3: King of Diamond

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Card 3: King of Diamond

Neo's body jerks and he flutters his eyes open and found himself in some strange liquid. He looks at the pod he was in and saw these thick wires attached to his body, he then began to struggle against the thick liquid, desperate for air then forces his hand through the skin like rubber.

He stood up and breaks through the rubber, then grips the device on his face, ripping the tube out from his throat, he then cough as the air was sucked into his lungs panting and already exhausted as if it was his first time he ever breathed in his lift. He was slick of that thick liquid, naked and not a single island of hair on his body, he then looks down at his body and saw these wired attached to him, on his arms, his chest.

Then he reaches back and found something was plug into the back of his head, this made no sense to him, what was wrong with him, why was he like this, but he slowed his breathing as he was horrified at the sight around him. There were countless humans in pods like him and it went on for miles, his hands moved away from the plugin the back of his head as he looks down below and in front and it was the same.

Countless rows of podded humans. Towers of them, by the billion of them, there was no beginning and there was no end to the towers. Electricity pulsed between to towers as power was overflowing with energy. Neo was horrified at these pods and pods of humans, there really was no end. But then suddenly a machine drops out in front of Neo's pod. Making him look at the machine as it pulls it's arms and tentacles out. Neo hyperventilates as he tries to move away from it, but a claw shot out, gripping Neo by the neck.

He gasps and struggles against it, but his body was too weak and the light... it stung his eyes. The machine pulls it's eye out and looks out at Neo as he struggles against it, then the plugged in the base of his skull drills, making him cry out in pain as the plug was ripped out of Neo's head, making him shake from the rip-age, the machine then lets him go and he collapsed against his pod as it then flew away. Neo pants as he never felt that much pain before. He then tries to force himself up but then gasps in shock as the wires were popping right off his body, making him cry out in pain.

He collapsed back into the liquid as the back opens up and like a vacuum, he was sucked out, he tries to hold onto something, but his hands slips against the glass and he was sucked into the tube, the tube went down towards the surface, the tunnel went on for miles until he came out to the end of the tunnel. He gasps as he fell into the polluted water. Then he resurfaced, only to struggle to stay afloat, why wasn't his legs working? Why wasn't he strong enough to swim?

Neo kept paddling and paddling to stay afloat as lights were shining over him, he something open above his head, but he couldn't see because of the lights. He sinks back into the water as a claw was dropped from the ship above him and it splashes into the water, gripping hold of Neo's naked form and slowly limps his limp and cold body from the water and pulls him into the ship. Once he was in the ship the door closes and Neo was gently set on the ground as the claw was reeled in. then the crewmen walk towards him.

Morpheus and Trinity walk past the claw as one of the crewmen places as a blanket over him, covering his naked form, then helps him to his feet as the last member of the crew, Neo exhales as he flutters his eyes and his body was shivering. Then Morpheus came into view, "Welcome to the real world." he tells them and the last crew member walks up to him and cups Neo's wet, cold, and sticky face, he exhales as he looks at her, seeing it was Zelda and she smiles at him. "Neo." she states and he fell against her. He was fading into the unconscious as he felt Zelda wrap her arms around him tightly, holding him up. "I got you, Neo. I got you. And I'm never letting you go." she promises him and he faded into back.

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