Card 6: Joker

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Card 6: Joker

The Agents scan through the whole building but found no traces of the people they were inside, just the body of Mouse they shot and killed then and they straighten out their coats they left behind.

Agent Smith stumbles upon Zelda coat and he picks it up and looks at her, then inhales the scent that was left behind on it, he pulls away and smirks at it "You won't escape me this time." he tells her and then tosses the coat to the side. Then he makes it to the Eight floors but only found their coats were left behind. Then Agent Jones looks at Agent Smith, "Where are they?"

Inside of the walls, the crew hides to remind quiet as Morpheus signals them to move down and they shimmies down inside the wet walls. They were all cramped in, in a crocheted line as they mind their footing to keep themselves balanced and remained quiet as a mouse. (No pun intended).

A Swat officer walks through a hall as he passes the bathroom, as Neo took a step down onto a pipe, he accidentally knocks off some dust and dirt and it stumbles down, some of the crew quickly closes their eyes, turning their heads away. But most of it had landed on Cypher and he coughs out the dust, making the Swat officer inside the bathroom turn his attention onto the wall.

He slowly walks closer towards the wall, Cypher covers his mouth, trying to hold in in as the Officer then leans in and listen. Cypher lets out a sneezes, making the officer more alerted. "They're in the wall." he calls out as he steps back. "They're in the wall!" the officer calls out and fires off his gun, But Zelda held her hand up next to her and clutches it, creating a thick coating of wood between them and the bullets that were being fired at them. Then Neo pulls out his gun and fires back.

The Officer then pulls out and hid behind the wall, but then his code was being overwritten by Agent Smith as he took over him. Zelda looks at her arm as it glows in a warning. "He's here," she whispers, then pulls out her gun and was ready. Neo waited and looks to see if the officer was back, but hands smash threw the wall and grip Neo's throat. Morpheus looks down at him in shock "It's an Agent!" Cypher calls out, "Neo!" Zelda calls out as she aims her gun at Agent Smith's arm. "Get off him!" she calls out and fires her gun at Smith's arms. He growls, then pulls one of his arm back, pulls out his gun and fires at her, Zelda growls as she dodges the first two bullets.

Then Morpheus bellows as he smashes through the wall and tumbles on top of Agent Smith. "Morpheus!" Trinity and Zelda call out to him. "Trinity, Zelda! You must get Neo out! He's all that matters!" he calls out to them, Zelda looks down at Trinity as they both didn't want to follow that order. Then Neo looks out at him, "No! No, Morpheus, Don't!" Neo calls out to him. "Zelda, go!" he orders her. She growls and places her gun away. "Let's move! Go, go, go!" she shouts and one by one they slide down the wet walls, making down and collapsed onto the floor below them.

Neo looks down at Zelda, "We can't leave him." he tells her, she knew this but he didn't want Neo to get captured again. "We have to!" she shouts at him, then shot up, gripping his leg tightly in her hand, then she drags him down as they both fell down the wet walls, leaving a trail of destruction of the wall behind them and they crashed down with the others on the floor.

The officer then makes it to them at the bottom of the hotel and open fire on the crew, Apoc rolls out as Switch steps out and they opened fire on the Swat team as well. Then canisters of gas were rolled out, filling the room with smoke as Trinity ran over and opens up a vent for them to escape into. "Go, Neo!" Zelda tells him as pulls him to the vent. Then Apoc jumps down, followed by Switch then Zelda. "Cypher. Come on!" Trinity calls out, he jumps for it, but stumbles as the swat team closes in on them, Trinity growls to herself and jumps down.


Trinity removes the sewer lid and pulls herself out, then she offers her hand to Zelda, who took it and Trinity helps her out of the sewer, then they help the others out of the sewer they fast walk down the street. "This is bad." Zelda states. "I know." Trinity agrees with her as she pulls out her phone and makes the call. "Operator." Tank answers her. "Tank, it's me," Trinity informs him. "Is Morpheus alive?" Neo asks her. She shot a look over at him, "Is Morpheus alive, Tank?" she asks him, "Yes. They're moving him. I don't know where to yet." he informs her, making her look at Neo. "He's alive," she informs Neo. "They won't kill him, not yet," Zelda assures him, he shot a look over at her. "We need an Exit," Trinity informs him.

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