Hopeless Hearts

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Lying in bed that night Rey tossed and turned. She couldn't sleep knowing that Kylo was miserable. There had to be a way of getting him away from that tyrant.

Kylo wasn't a gun for hire, if Snoke forced him to murder in his name, it would tear him apart. Rey finally gave up, switched on her light and powered up her laptop. If they were going to bring down Snoke, they were going to need to do as much research as possible on him.

After two hours of delving into Snoke's past, Rey felt like she needed a shower. Criminal activity that suddenly disappeared, countless sexual harassment claims that were either settled out of court or suddenly dropped due to the mysterious disappearances of key witnesses or members of the victim's family. How was this guy not in jail? Apparently Snoke was the very epitome of money talks. Seems everything could be fixed if he threw enough money at it. Her heart sank. It was looking more and more likely that Rey's family and her connections were going to be their only bargaining chip. She shuddered. The thought of being alone in a room with Snoke made her feel uneasy but she would do it, for Kylo. He needed someone in his corner. Someone had to fight for him and that someone was her.

Kylo sat up in bed. He had barely slept since his conversation with Snoke. He could feel the dagger hanging above his head. It was impossible to get any rest, when he didn't know when Snoke was going to call on him to commit some terrible deed. When he had committed that first murder he had been young and stupid and he regretted it everyday, but the only alternative to following Snoke's orders was to go to jail, and never see Rey again. There was no way he would let her ruin her life with a locked up lifer. No. They had to find a way out of this. Kylo has contacted all his associates, called in all his favours. He had to find something on Snoke, and he had to find something fast.

In the morning, Rey took a sip of her tea and winced. Her head and shoulders ached. Keyboards did not make good pillows, unfortunately this was the only thing she has learnt. She was no further forward on finding a way to rid themselves of Snoke. Rey leaned back banging her head on the cupboard door.

'Ouch!' She said, rubbing her head.

'Rough night?' Hux asked as he entered the kitchen.

'You could say that. I spent all night hunched over my laptop and I didn't find one thing I can use against Snoke. This guy has managed to slip out of every net, dodge every bullet and basically walk all over what passes for law enforcement in this country. He owns half of them and the other half are too afraid to do anything about it. It seems impossible.'

'Don't give up. By the way did you get time to write that letter for me?'

Rey rolled her eyes, 'Yes. Here you go and your bonus will be paid by the end of the week.'

Hux smiled and bowed slightly, 'Thank You Princess. You know if you don't manage to get Kylo out of this new mess, I'm always happy to take you on.'

Rey glared at him.

Hux laughed as he left the room, 'just joking! I believe in you!'

Rey shook her head. As annoying as Hux was, she really missed the days when he was their biggest problem. Now he was almost a friend. Which was useful but also somewhat disturbing.

Later that day, Hux came to find her with a smug smile plastered on his face,

'Quit your pouting Princess, you know what we have to do.'

'I know, it's just that Kylo said it was to be a last resort....'

'Kylo would say that, you're his girl. He wants you safe, but we both know you can look after yourself. Let's just set up the meeting. I will be outside the door and Kylo will undoubtedly be present. Your safety will be guaranteed.'

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