When we practice to deceive

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Rey was running, the house was dark and all she knew was that she had to keep running though she was so tired. The hallway went on forever, she could hear the footsteps gaining on her, she kept running but they kept getting closer. Closer and closer until a hand caught her wrist and squeezed. Rey screamed. Kylo came running into the room and Rey realised she has been dreaming. She sat up in bed and rubbed her wrist. It felt sore. She looked at Kylo. He was ready for a fight.

'I'm fine, it was just a dream. You don't need to kill anyone. I'm sorry for waking you.'

Kylo visibly relaxed, closed the bedroom door and sauntered towards the bed. He sat down and rested his back against the headboard. He closed his eyes for a moment and Rey felt guilty for waking him. He has a lot of weight on his shoulders right now. He looked exhausted.

'What was your dream about?' He asked.

'It was nothing.'


'Okay, I was running away from someone and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't escape.'

Rey rested her head on Kylo's chest and he stroked her hair.

'It was just a dream.' He soothed kissing the top of her head.

'That would be comforting if it weren't for the fact that I am actually being hunted in real life.'

'I'll find them Rey. It's just taking a little longer than expected.'

'I'm not criticising you Kylo, I just want answers. I'm scared.'

'Don't be. I've got you.'

'You need to rest. You're working too hard.'

Kylo yawned, 'I'll sleep better if I stay here with you.'

Rey smiled, as if she would ever refuse him anything, 'okay but set your alarm! You need to be gone before the morning patrol.'

Kylo muttered something ineligible as he pulled her towards him and settled down to sleep.

Kylo had disappeared early the next morning before he could be detected. She knew he had a meeting with his superiors so she didn't expect to see him until later on. She hummed absentmindedly as she came down the stairs, smiling to herself and thinking about Kylo. In the kitchen she poured herself some juice as she mused about their future together.

'Good morning' Hux made her jump. She had almost forgotten about him.

'Good morning.' She replied. She wondered how his talk with Kylo has went? She judged from the expression on his face that it hasn't went well.

'I want to apologise for my behaviour yesterday. I assure you, it won't happen again.'

'That's okay Hux, I appreciate your apology.'

She tried to leave but Hux blocked the doorway.

'I understand that my behaviour was not appropriate and I do hope you won't hold it against me.'

'Not at all.'

Hux smiled, 'thank you. You know, you really are a very understanding person. I really don't see why Kylo would keep such important information from you.'

The hairs stood up on Rey's neck, 'What do you mean?'

'Look, I don't want to cause any trouble, but I just think you have a right to know I mean it is your safety we are talking about here.'

Rey swallowed hard. 'Hux What is it you want to say?''

'You didn't hear this from me okay? I'm in enough trouble as it is. That night when a brick smashed Kylo's window, there was a note.'

Rey's eyes widened, 'what did it say?'

'I'm afraid I don't know, that information is on a need to know basis and Kylo has decided that you and I don't need to know.'

Rey's anger boiled. He was keeping secrets from her? Not only that but withholding information that might be paramount to saving her life? Surely the note was meant for her, that means she should have been made aware of its contents.

Hux observed her carefully, 'are you okay Rey, do you want to talk about it?'

Rey collected herself. No way was she going to give Hux the satisfaction of seeing her hurt.

'I'm sure Kylo knows what he is doing. If you will excuse me, I have to finish getting dressed.'

Rey pushed past Hux and ran up the stairs, eager to escape the situation. She reached her bedroom and shut the door tight. How could he do this? What had been in that note? She had to know. She had a right to know. How could he not have told her? Didn't they have enough secrets?Suddenly not being unable to leave her home felt overwhelmingly suffocating. She needed to get out. Luckily, Rey has been a rebellious teen. She knew of at least three ways out of the house, which she was sure would allow her to escape detection. I can keep secrets too. She thought to herself.

Her Protector Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang