Choices Part 2

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In Kylo's car on the way to his apartment, Rey laid out her entire plan from start to finish,

'It was the meeting with Snoke that triggered the idea in my head. I began to wonder if he had been involved in other shady deals in the past and something in my gut told me he had something to do with the assassination attempt that day.'

Kylo was silent so Rey kept talking,

'Hux was reluctant as usual, but he eventually helped. I'm still not sure if he is a friend or a foe? Maybe he is both?'

Kylo still didn't respond.

Rey's heart sped up. Was something wrong? Was he mad?

'Anyway, here we are. I'm just so glad it worked and you're free to do whatever you want to now.' She said shyly glancing at him.

Kylo kept his eyes on the road and didn't look at her.

They sat quietly until they reached his apartment building. Kylo left the car and Rey slumped in her seat. She thought he would be a little bit grateful! What an ass.....

Kylo opened her car door and reached out his hand to her. Rey looked into his eyes. He wasn't angry she realised, he was overcome with emotion and struggling to keep his composure. He extended his hand a little closer to her, his eyes pleading with her.

She placed her hand in his.

In the elevator, he entwined his fingers with hers and let out a shaky breath. Rey didn't speak but she rubbed her thumb against the back of his hand. She hoped the gesture would give him some comfort.

The moment they were inside the apartment and the door was closed, Kylo fell to his knees and wrapped his arms around Rey's middle. She stroked his hair gently. Some time passed, then Kylo rose and pulled her gently towards the sofa. He sat down and arranged her across his lap.

Finally, he spoke to her.

'You don't understand Rey. No one, all the years that I've risked my life for other people, no one has ever risked their life for me before.'

'Well no one has ever loved you like I love you before.'

Kylo pulled her close so her head was tucked under his chin.

'Did you mean what you said in your last letter to me?'


He kissed the top of her head.

Rey could feel Kylo's heart beating steadily beneath her ear. It was so soothing......and it had been such a long day......


'Mmm...' She murmured sleepily.

'Marry me.'

Her Protector जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें