Controlled Desire

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Much later when sleep had finally claimed him, Kylo was awakened by a loud bang. He leapt out of bed. The noise had definitely originated from Rey's room. Running out of his room and without knocking he burst through Rey's door to find her lying on the floor wearing only her underwear. He stopped dead and his eyes skimmed over her curves.

'Kylo!' Rey screamed, scrambling to cover herself with the duvet. 'What the hell are you doing?'

'I heard a bang! I thought you were in trouble!'

'I fell out of bed! Haven't you ever fell out of bed!'

'I didn't know that did I? Are you okay?'

Rey wrapped the duvet around her and plonked herself down on the bed. Kylo ran his hand through his hair. It was then that Rey realised all he was wearing was a pair of boxer shorts. Her mouth fell open and her eyes went down to his chest, then lower.... she quickly averted her eyes.

'I'm okay. I'm sorry for waking you because of my own stupidity.'

'That's okay, as long as you are alright.' He said with a half smile. God what that half smile did to her, she suspected a full on grin would probably send her into heart failure.

'Well, here we are half naked and embarrassed....'

Why could she never stop her mouth?

Kyle snorted,

'Did you have to make it worse?'

'Apparently I did.'

'Well goodnight.'

'Goodnight Kylo, thank you for looking out for me.'

'It's my job'

'Of course it is.'

They looked at each other. Suddenly Rey didn't want him to leave.

'I had a bad dream you see, that's why I fell.'


'Yes. We were mountain climbing you and I, and I fell, you grabbed my hand and you held me as long as you could but my hand slipped from your grasp and I felt myself falling through the air. It was terrifying until I landed on my ass on the floor over there.'

rey rubbed her behind and frowned at the spot where she fell.

Kylo walked towards her and sat next to her on the bed. Her heart thumped in her chest.

'Well that would never happen.'

'I know right? Me mountain climbing? I can barely walk down the stairs without tripping up!'

'No, I meant I would never let you fall.'

Rey looked at Kylo.

'Don't look at me like that.'

'Like what? This is just my face.'

'With those wide, innocent beautiful eyes of yours. Do you have any idea the affect you have on me?'

'No you're a giant enigma! You tell me nothing about yourself! And yet the little I do know about you makes me want to know you better than anyone else I have ever met.'

'Don't say that.'

'Why not?'

'You know we can't do anything about this.'

'About what?'

'This attraction we have for each other. Your father trusts me to keep you safe.'

'I would argue the closer you are to me, the safer I would be.'

'That's not how this works Rey.'

'How does this work Kylo? I don't understand. We like each other. What else matters?'

'Best case scenario? I lose my job. Worst case scenario? I lose focus, I become compromised and something happens to you.' He fixed her with an intense stare, 'If something happened to you Rey, I could never forgive myself.'

Rey saw past his words to the need within and lurched forward pressing her lips against his and wrapping her arms around his neck. For a moment Kylo stilled then he pulled her closer and kissed her back. Rey moaned against his lips, sinking her hands into his hair. Kylo loosened the duvet from her body and lifted her into his lap. She heard him groan as his hands cupped her behind, and he held her close against him.  Then he pulled away from her, abruptly ending the kiss. With his eyes still closed he put his forehead against hers and rubbed her lip gently with his thumb,
'Just as I imagined. Like pure sunlight.' He sighed.
Without another word he placed her back on the bed and walked out of the room, leaving Rey very confused and very frustrated.

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