Lost and Found

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'With all due respect sir....' Kylo gritted his teeth as he addressed his superior and old friend Ben Kenobi. He didn't have time for this. His phone vibrated again in his pocket.

'Enough Ren. You are no further forward with this investigation and the King has expressed some serious concerns for his daughters wellbeing. I'm able to give you two weeks, giving our history together but that's all I can do. After that, a new primary will be appointed.'

I understand.'

'I wish I could help more but.....'

'It's okay Ben.'

'Ren? Be careful that your feelings don't cloud your judgement on this assignment.'


Once he was outside Kylo checked his phone. Seven missed calls. He dialled the last number.

'Kylo finally. We need you back at the house now. There's been a situation.'

Kylo's heart sped up,

'What's happened? Is Rey okay?'

'We don't know.'

'What do you mean you don't know?' He barked.

'She's gone Sir, it appears she has..... gone AWOL.'

Kylo closed his eyes, of all the bloody ridiculous things she could have done.....

'Sir? Are you still there?'

'Yes. Search the grounds if you haven't already.'

'We have, she somehow got the keys to her old beetle in the far garage, we thought it was a broken down heap of junk...'

Great. So she was also driving around in a death trap.

'I'll head straight into town to see if I can find her. Keep me posted.'

'Will do Sir.'

Kylo hung up and headed for his car. A mixture of fear and anger flowed through him. He started mentally listing Rey's favourite places. He hoped she was sensible enough to keep a low profile. As he sped away from the agency headquarters, he decided what order he would hit the locations in. He had a hunch that he knew where she would be and put Rose Tico's house at the top of his list.

Rey and Rose lay on her bed giggling. This was exactly what she needed time away from the house, from Kylo, from being watched 24/7, a little girl time.

'Are you sure it's okay for you to be here.' Rose asked.

'Yes it's fine. Stop worrying.'

'I'm just worried that you will get into trouble for sneaking out.'

'What can they do to me? Anyway, I was careful no one saw me leave and I've had my hood up and my sunglasses on the whole time I was outside. You barely recognised me at first.'

'That's true.....'

'See? Stop fretting and finish your story.'

'Okay, well Poe had bet Finn that he could drink more shots of tequila, and well you know how competitive the boys are, so they drank shot after shot until they could both hardly see straight but neither would give in, so they just kept on going until finally......'

A sharp loud knock at Roses door made them both jump.

'What if that's the bad guys?' Ross whispered wide eyed.

Rey rolled her eyes, 'I don't think they would knock Rose.' But her heart thumped in her chest all the same.

'I will have a look.' Rose moved to the window and peeped out from behind the curtain.



'There appears to be an incredibly tall, incredibly handsome, incredibly pissed off bodyguard at my door.'

Rey bit her lip, 'uh oh.'

'Uh oh indeed. Looks like your little vacation is over bestie. Time to face the music.'

Rey answers the door with a sheepish look on her face.

'Before you say anything I have a few things to say to you......woah! Put me down!'

Kylo threw Rey over his shoulder and carried her to his car. He threw her onto the back seat and get into the drivers side.

Rose looked amused as she waved from her doorstep.

Kylo didn't say a word as he started the car and sped back to the house. Rey sat with her arms folding across her chest. Bloody caveman. Who did he think he was?

'I'm perfectly fine. There was no need for that little scene.'

Kylo didn't respond.

'I was careful, I was only a few miles from the house and anyway this is all the fault!'

They reached the house and Rey bounded out of the car and into the house. Kylo hot on her heels. He put his hands on her shoulders and turned her to face him.

'Rey do you understand the severity of your actions? You could have been killed.'

'Do you understand the severity of your actions?' She shot back.

'What are you talking about?'

Rey looked at the security guards around them and motioned for Kylo to follow her. Once they were in the study she continued.

'I know about the note.'

Kylo's face remained neutral. 'What is it you know exactly.'

'Enough. I know there was a note and I know you didn't tell me about it.'

'So you don't know what the note said?'

'No. But feel free to share.'

Kylo sighed and sat down. 'Rey the contents of that note didn't concern you. It concerned me. Someone was threatening me based on something that happened in my past.'

Rey digested the information. 'What did the note say?'

'You couldn't save him, and you won't save her.'

Rey put a hand to her mouth and Kylo ran a hand through his hair.

'You'd better take a seat. There is something I need to tell you.'

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