Playing with Fire

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Kylo checked the windows and doors upstairs, occasionally stopping to inform his team that everything was fine. When he got to Rey's room, he hesitated. How could he get her to see it wasn't that he didn't care, but he had a job to do and that job has become even more difficult now that Hux was on his case. He knew Hux would be watching him for any signs of unusual behaviour. He would love nothing more than to get him removed from the assignment and take over completely. He couldn't allow that. No one could protect Rey better than he could. He was going to have to be very careful as his feelings towards Rey often became apparent without him even realising. He lingered in her room longer than he should have simple because it was hers.

Finally finished, he headed for the stairs and stopped when he heard Rey's laugh. He closed his eyes for a minute and let the sound wash over him. Then he realised she had to be laughing with someone and his mood changed instantly. He gripped the banister until his knuckles were white as he descended. As he suspected, there was Hux and Rey sitting on the sofa facing each other. Seeing them in such close proximity made his skin crawl.

'Oh hi Kylo, Hux was just telling me the funniest story about when he used to work security for the Russian mafia and they got him drunk on expensive vodka.'

'I was so drunk I started hitting on the bosses wife!'

Rey laughed again,

'Oh, don't tell it again, my stomach is aching. Remind me never to get you drunk!'

Hux smiled. He looked delighted at her attention. Kylo gritted his teeth. He knew this display was for his benefit but it still made his blood boil.

'Shouldn't you get back to work Hux?'

'I think the guys have it covered, plus someone has to stay and keep Rey company.'

Kylo shook with anger.

'I am the primary, I will watch Rey.' Kylo said.

'Well you can watch us both while we continue our delightful conversation.' Hux replied.

The two men started at each other. Shit. Rey thought. This wasn't good. Rey smiled at Hux,

'How thoughtful of you, but I probably have kept you from your duties too long.'

'No, not at all, they can spare me.' Hux said with a wave of his hand.

Kylo's eye twitched. Rey decided to stall for time,

'Okay, well I was just about to make a coffee, would you like one?'

'Yes please, milk, no sugar though, i'm sweet enough.' He said with a wink. 

Rey faked a smile and stood and Kylo followed her to the kitchen.

Rey realised pretty quickly that she was in over her head. Hux was not going anywhere, would she be stuck with him all night? It seemed a hefty price to pay, plus she didn't realise Kylo was going to be so filled with fury. This was not going how she planned. What was she going to do? She was still lost in thought when Kylo grabbed her arm and spin her around so her back was against the wall. He held her hands over her head, not tight enough to hurt her, but just tight enough for it to turn her on.

'What are you doing?' He hissed.

I don't know! She thought, but she said,

'Getting to know Hux a bit better, what the hell do you think you are doing?'

'Do you know what happens when you start a territory war, Rey?'

'Who exactly are you calling territory Ky.....' he cut her off by kissing her with the pressure on full. She really wanted to be able to protest against his caveman like behaviour but once he pressed his body up against hers and groaned slightly, she lost the ability to form words. He released her hands and she pulled him closer, wrapping her legs around his waist. He held her weight easily and ran his hands along her thighs to her behind, hitching her higher against the wall.

Their kisses were fast and hard, desperate and wanting. There was so much need and so much desire. They took what they needed from each other, both lonely, both cut off from the world, both searching for acceptance and belonging and finding solace with each other. Rey's heart hammered so fast she couldn't tell one beat from the other. The world fell away and there was nothing but him. Her senses were overloaded and her mind was flooded with lust. When they eventually pulled away from each other his eyes were wide and his lips were a vibrant red as the blood rushed to fill them. Rey ran her finger over them as she tried to catch her breath.

'Shall I come and help?' Hux called cheerfully from the living room.

Rey's mouth fell open and her eyes widened. She has forgotten Hux even existed. Kylo didn't flinch,

'No we got it.' He shouted back, not taking his eyes off hers. He lowered her gently to the floor and back down to reality.

'Don't provoke me again.' He said as he calmly turned around and clicked on the coffee machine.

Rey just stood and stared at him, dazed and incredibly turned on.

She has heard his words. She knew he meant them as a warning, but it was too late. He had ignited something within her and all she could think about was how she could get him to push her back up against that wall, and not stop for anything.

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