Chapter Two

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Once I stepped inside the house, I went straight for the kitchen. I mean, if I'm going to get yelled at, might as well enjoy something in the process?

I open my fridge and start making a turkey sandwich. Once I am satisfied with my masterpiece, I start to eat it.

"Are you seriously eating a sandwich right now?" Came the voice of my father. I looked down at the half eaten sandwich in my hands and back up to him.

"Yes, I am. Would you like me to make you one?" I ask.

If looks could kill, I would be dead right now. "What? I thought I'd be polite." I said while making my way over to the table.

I continue to eat my sandwich, but no words escape my father's mouth. He just leans against the wall and stares at me.

Yep. I am so dead.

Once I finish, I meet his gaze. Seeing how angry he was, I look away and say, "I'm sorry."

"Oh? You're sorry?" He says as we walks over to where I am sitting. "What are you sorry for Kasey? Is it the fact that you were an hour past your curfew? Or is it because you refused to tell me where you were going and snuck out? Oh, now this one is the best. Is it because you were hanging out with what looked to be two adult men at ten o'clock? Hm? Pick and choose."

I close my eyes and swallow a nervous gulp. "Okay, when you put it like that it sounds really bad."

"There's no better way for me to put it Kasey." He shouts. "You snuck out of the house to go meet up with those men!"

He lets out a frustrated sigh and clenches his fist. "You are fifteen years old. There is absolutely no reason for you to be meeting up with adults."

"You don't know that." I snap. "I'm not stupid. I'm not naïve. I know what I'm doing."

He scoffs. "Oh really? Let me tell you, whatever you think you're doing, whether it be for the greater good or not, is not going to turn out how you want it to. Trust me on that. You don't know what you're doing."

Now it's my turn to scoff. "Trust you? Did you seriously just say that? I have no reason to trust you. You're not my family. You just felt bad for me and decided to take me in. It wasn't out of love like you say it is. It was out of pity and you know it."

I run up the stairs and slam my door shut, locking it. I walk over to the window hoping to see the Impala there. I don't know why. It's quite strange if you think about it. Two guys show up out of nowhere, start following me, then claim to be my long lost brothers.

Any normal teenager would call the cops on them. But I'm not normal. I've seen to many things to earn that label.

To my disappointment, the Impala was gone. That's when I let the tears fall. I couldn't control it how hard I tried.

It didn't matter what anyone said. I never felt wanted. So far nothing has changed that.

I made my way over to my bathroom and splashed cold water in my face. My hands started shaking and my breath started to quicken.

Memories from when I was younger flooded my vision and I had to hold back a scream.

Calm down, I thought, you're being annoying.

I quickly dried my face and forced myself to bed. Finally sleep overtook me.


When I woke up the next morning, I could hear a lot of commotion downstairs. I grabbed my phone to check the time, and it was about 9:30.

I groaned as I got out of bed and made my way over to my closet. I've never been one for super fancy clothes, most of my stuff are just casual.

I throw on a pair of blue jeans, grey tank top, and blue and grey flannel. I go to my bathroom and brush my hair. One of the perks about my hair is that it's naturally straight, so I don't have to do anything to it.

Once I'm satisfied with my appearance, I go downstairs. As I made my way down the steps, I began to notice that we had guests in our house. Good thing I got ready.

The talking began to get louder, and I could tell there was about to be an argument.

I quicken my pace down the steps and walk through a small hallway.

"What's with all the yelling?" I say as I round the corner. When I saw who our guests were, I tensed up a little.

"Ah, there she is. Get ready to go, kiddo. You get to hang with the cool kids today." Dean said.

A smile broke out onto my face. I was about to respond when I saw the look on my father's face. My smile disappeared. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Sam's concerned eyes looking at me.


"Go." He said in a harsh voice. Then he met my gaze. "Be back be nine." Then he proceeded to leave the room.

I watched him as he left. When I looked back to my brothers, their expressions were quite the opposite.

Sam looked concerned and sympathetic, almost like he wanted to give me a hug and ask if I'm alright. But at the same time, he looked angry. When I think of our future relationship, I see him as the person I go to when I'm in need of emotional support.

Now Dean on the other hand looked like he wanted to kill. Almost like he wanted to chase after my father and teach him a few lessons. When I think of our future relationship, I see us being able to joke around and be loose. But I feel like if I went to him for emotional support, he'll just kill the person that put me in that state.

I let a small chuckle escape my lips. "Come on you two, let's go."

And with that, we all piled into the Impala and drove off.

Updated 1/20/20

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