Briana Wright/Masked Hoodie

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Name: Briana Wright
Age: 15
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birthdate: 20.June
Birth place: Alabama, USA
Residence: Denver Colorado, USA
CreepyPasta Name: Masked Hoodie

Height: 1.65m/5'5 ft
Weight: 57kg
Hair: Long brown; mostly a pigtail
Eye color: brown
clothing style: Marble Hornets Merch, Hoodies, likes to steal the jacket of her "Dad"(Tim) and argues with her „Daddy" (Brian) about who gets it

weapons: everything
hobbies: watching Horror movies or YouTube, making tik toks, doing something with her Friends or with her fathers
personality: is rarely sad, often selfish, Acts mean or like a bitch sometimes, gets quickly Angry and Insults others then, but can also be nice and cute 
Catchphrase: „Everyone is a liar.."

Best friends: Jay Merrick, Eyeless Jenni The Killer, Eyeless Jack
siblings: Ticci Toby (Adopted)
parents: Timothy Wright/Masky („Dad"), Brian Thomas/Hoodie („Daddy")
girl/boyfriend: JJ The Killer
Enemies: Alex Kralie, Jayla Kralie

likes: cigarettes, Slender Man, make-up, cool kids, her phone, her fathers and her "brother"
hates:  when someone is mean to her, when someone tries to take her Friends away from her, when her fathers are argueing, homophobic people

mental illnesses: generalized anxiety disorder, schizophrenia
Theme song: Scissor Sisters - I can't decide
favourite Food/drink: Sandwiches, cheese cake, waffles, Cola, Alcohol

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