Laughing Jacky

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Name: Jacqueline Mounsky
Nickname: Jacky
Age: 14
Sexuality: Lesbian
Birthdate: 16.July
Residence: Denver Colorado, USA
CreepyPasta Name: Laughing Jacky

Height: 1.75m/ 5'8 ft
Weight: 67kg
Appearance: like Laughing Jack&Jill, long black&white painted nails, shoulder-length wavy hair
Haircolor: black
Eyecolor: white
clothing style: black&white dresses or shirts/hoodies/merch and jeans w/ black converse shoes

weapons: everything
hobbies: her phone, doing something with friends, scaring little kids
personality: nice, social, smart, can get agressive when someone's getting on her nerves
Catchphrase: „Pop! Goes the weasel!"

Best friends: Jane The Killer, Clockwork, Eyeless Jack
siblings: Laughing Jessi The Toymaker (half sister)
parents: Laughing Jack(„Daddy") Jason the Toymaker (Stepfather „Dad"), Laughing Jill(„Mummy")
Girlfriend: Eyeless Jenni The Killer
Enemies: Nina the Killer

likes: Social Media, her phone, nice people
hates: JJ The Killer, mean or homophobic people, when her „Daddy" (LJ) is harassing EJ

Theme Song: Pop goes the Weasel
favourite food/drink: Sweets and everything that has sugar in it

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