It had been a few days since Byungjoo had seen his best friend, but he would surely see him at the party tonight. It's not that B-Joo was unpopular (especially because his brother was Xero), but he didn't really expect to get invited to the prettiest girl in school's birthday party. Not only was every guy flinging themselves at Hyunsoo, but she was always drenched in high-fashion brands and drove a beautiful sports car. So needless to say, B-Joo was stunned when he got a very formal invitation that stated he could have a maximum of 2 people accompany him to the birthday rendezvous.

"Are you meeting Hansol before?" Xero asked as he pulled a pair of black skinny jeans up his legs.

"Aniyo, he's already with Hyunsoo. They are pretty good friends from what I hear so he went early." Byungjoo was just finishing off his look with a spray of cologne.

"Chichayo?" Xero said with almost too much enthusiasm as he smirked. "Hyung, you have to have Hansol set me up with her."

"You like Hyunsoo?"

"Who doesn't?" Xero huffed as he shut their dresser drawer.

"I'll let Hansol know then," Byungjoo was somewhat baffled at his dongsaeng's confession. "Or you can just make a move on her tonight?" he suggested.

Xero's eyebrows shot up, "humh," he mumbled placing a circular black hat on the back of his head, sure to let his blonde locks show at the front. "I never thought of that. Good idea, hyung." B-Joo smiled in satisfation with his success in giving Xero advice for once. "So you ready to go?"

"As ready as I'll ever be. I guess tonight is a big night for both of us then?" B-Joo awkwardly chuckled, obviously nervous to face the boy he had to spill his guts to.

"Well I don't think me flirting with Hyunsoo is quite on the same level as you telling Hansol, but... sure. Big night hyung, so we better get a move on slow ass." Xero said instantly lightening the atmosphere.

"What the hell are you talking about? I was ready centuries before you, pretty boy," Hansol teased flicking the other boys hat causing it to faulter ever so slightly.

"Byungjoo-ah!" Xero whined while his hands flung to his hat to properly set it back in place.

B-Joo laughed to himself at the other's reaction before grabbing his wrist and dragging him out the door. "Come on, we're gonna be late."

"Whatever you little shit," Xero scoffed trying to hide a smile as he walked next to his hyung.

They arrived at the gorgeous and rather large home of the birthday girl, and walked in to find a larger than expected number of people dancing around with cups of what was sure to be alcohol within their hands along with loud music. Byungjoo and Xero weaved their way through the people to find the large dining area where Hyunsoo's brother Kyungmin was handing out drinks and taking gifts to place on the large table behind him.

"What's up man? I was starting to wonder if you two were gonna show!" Kyungmin called as he grabbed B-Joo to pull him in for a 'bro-hug.'

"What do you mean, didn't the party just start?" Byungjoo asked confused.

"Yeah, a half-hour ago!" The tall, lanky boy stated while pulling Xero in for a quick embrace.

"Well my brother's a dick and told me it started now," Joo replied before holding out a tiny blue gift bag for him to take. "This is from Xero and I, but tell her Xero-ssi picked it." He sent a wink in his brothers direction earning a smack on the shoulder from the diva beside him.

"We both picked it," Xero corrected although he was sure Kyungmin easily caught onto what Byungjoo had tried to insinuate. "And for the record, I don't like to get to parties early or on time because it's awkward when just getting started. And about your sister, do you know where I could find her?"

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