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  I woke up the next morning to Jihoon's phone blowing up.
Who could be texting him this early?
I picked up his phone and looked at the time.
6:27 a.m.
Jihoon's phone doesn't have a password which allowed me to go through his phone easily.
I didn't recognize the number so I sat completely up, using the cover to cover my bare chest.
I scrolled up through him and the persons messages and I figured out that it was Asahi's.

That's when a new number texted and I clicked on the messages.
"Where are you?" I read out loud, lower than a whisper.
That was what the text said and I couldn't think of who this person was.
Jihoon wrapped one of his arms around me and he looked up at me.
"What are you doing?" He said as I thought of an excuse.
Before I could say anything he got another text message.

  "Help me." I said and then quickly got out the bed.
"Help who?" Jihoon said as I started putting on my clothes.
"Do you know who's number this is?" I asked and handed him the phone.
"No." He said shaking his head.
"What does Asahi want?" He said as he scrolled through his phone.
"Ask him." I said as I put on my shoes.
"Jessica where are you going?" Jihoon asked as he sat up and started grabbing his clothes.
"Haruto knows how to track devices. I just want to find out who needs help." I said and Jihoon sighed.

  "Jessica, you wanting to save everyone is the reason why you're always in bad positions. We can get Haruto to track down this person but you won't go looking for this guy, I will." Jihoon said as we were now both fully dressed.
"Deal?" He asked and I sighed.
"Whatever." I said and he smiled.

  I knocked on the door once more, but I applied more force.
"What the fuck!?" I heard someone complaining.
"What!?" Hyunsuk said as he opened the door.
"Good morning to you too." Jihoon said as he pushed past Hyunsuk.
I followed Jihoon in and I went right upstairs and to Haruto's room.
"Haruto!?" I said shaking him.
He groaned and pushed me away.
"I need you to do me a favor." I said and he threw a small temper tantrum before getting up.

  "What?" He said and I pulled out Jihoon's phone.
"I need you to track down this number." I said and pointed to the number I was talking about.
He grabbed the phone and headed into his little office place.
After about 5 minutes of Haruto doing a bunch of clicking and typing an address popped up.
"Ridgeville? Isn't that like an hour away?" I asked and he nodded.
"Wait. That's a glitch." I said pointing to the screen where something wasn't right.
"You're right." He said and did some more typing and clicking.

  "This person is closer than we think." Haruto said and I nodded.
"They texted and asked Jihoon where he was. This person knows Jihoon and obviously knows that he wasn't here last night." I said and Haruto sat back in his chair.
"Where's Junkyu?" I asked and Haruto shook his head.
"In his room depressed. I mean we're all upset about losing two of our members but Junkyu and Yoshinori were tight." He explained and I nodded.

  "I just have one question." Haruto said as he leaned forward.
"Was Jihoon good?" He asked and my eyes went wide.
"I- Umm... I don't know what you're talking about." I said and he laughed.
"Jessica you have love bites all over your neck." He said and I looked down and laughed.
"Who said that they are from Jihoon?" I said and he laughed.

"Just go find this person so they can get the help they need." He said as he stood up laughing.
"Thanks Haruto." I said and left the room with Jihoon's phone.
Jihoon was sitting on the couch watching TV.
"I got the information." I said getting his attention.
"K. Let's go." He said as we headed to the car.
"I'm gonna drop you off at the hotel and then I'm gonna go-" he started but I cut him off.

  "Why can't we just go together?" I whined and he sighed.
"Where's this person?" He asked and I looked over at him as he was driving.
"Close. The system showed that the person was in Ridgeville, but that was a glitch because of the way the tracker showed up. Haruto did some more digging and found out that the person is about 10 minutes away at the most.
"What if it's a set up?" Jihoon asked and I shook my head no.
"This can't be." I said and he shrugged.

  "What if it's Mashiho?" He asked and my heart sank at the name.
"Let's just hope that it's not." I said and he nodded.
I then dialed HARUTO'S number and told him to send us the tracking.
"Here. The person's here." I said and Jihoon quickly pulled over at the park.
"Are you sure?" He asked and I nodded.
"Look." I said and showed him the phone.
My eyes scanned the park and no one here looked familiar.

  "You see anybody familiar?" I asked Jihoon and he shook his head no.
"You watch me and I'll go look around." Jihoon said and I nodded.
He kissed me a single time before he got out of the car and started walking around the play ground.
After a few minutes I saw a person looking sad on a bench.
By me being Jessica I decided to go talk to him.
"Hey." I said and sat next to him.
He didn't look up at me.

  "What's wrong?" I asked and all I got was a scoff.
"You know, talking about things makes you feel better." I said and he shook his head.
He was wearing all black and this face was covered in facial hair and he had on black sunglasses.
"Where you heading?" He asked in a low muffled voice.
"Well my boyfriend and I were just looking for a friend." I said and forced on a smile.

  "Can you give me a ride?" He asked and I looked around nervously.
"A ride where?" I asked and he balled up his fists.
"Just say yes." He said sounding angrily.
"Yea. Okay." I said and walked to the car with him.
He got in the back and I stood on the outside, waiting for Jihoon.
"Who's that?" Jihoon asked and I shrugged.
"He's having a bad day and he needs a ride." I said as Jihoon and I got in the car.

"Where you heading?" Jihoon asked after about five minutes of driving.
I pulled out Jihoon's phone to track the person when I realized that the tracker was in the same place as us and moving at the same speed as us.
Either this guy in the back is who we're looking for or we're being stalked.

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